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Everything posted by hiawatha

  1. Yeah it sure looks like it Pretty damn sure i read 14mm on more than one place though!
  2. Got my lct today, but where's the 14 negative thread !? Im pretty sure it should be, right?? =P
  3. So much different opinions You pretty much get a brand new E&L for the cost of a used vfc, internals aint that big of a deal i guess. Love it Yuri! My lct will look pretty much the same. What brand pbs-1 is that ? I ordered Madbulls version, should get it this week As i mentioned before i found a VFC pmc version of the ak105 with retractable stock etc. Problem is i dont want 2 104/105 now that im waiting on my lct aswell. Is is possible to get a akm/74 forend separetely for vfc ?
  4. Ive been hearing the same but still some reviews state e&l as the better choice over lct.. Thanks for the help guys! Will post some pics not to far from now i hope, make up for my "blablabla"
  5. Yeah brand New e&l or slightly used vfc i should say =) also found a rather cool ak105 PMC from vfc. Wasnt those kind of Limited back then ?
  6. Im selling all my ar related stuf and going all in on ak;s now. Having an lct im getting a cqb only gun also (probably aks) what should i look into, vfc or e&l ?
  7. Awesome Bloodsword! I might copy you with the mags there
  8. Paracord it is i guess, looks better than those 1p sling attachments i think. Forgot to mention that its 7.62 mags i run thanks !
  9. Nice Blobface!! Anyone got a nice solution for single mount slings on a 104/105 with the polymer folding stock ? And wich magpuls are fitting the ak mag? Can you stretch the 5,56 enough ?
  10. I was considering the polymer stock but i guess they are about the same length. Thank you
  11. I got a question for you guys with ze ak:s.. Been wanting one for some time but im not sure about the folding stock or the AR retractable one. Playing with AR:s, i usually have the stock in the first position from the reciever, like one click out, will the folding stock on a 104/105 lct feel too long ? Like the look of it though
  12. I truly suck at taking pics Some new stuf for the ptw
  13. I dont really understand what you mean, but it sounds bad :/ Thats a shame...
  14. To all of you thats using dytacs T1 with that sweet KAC mount, is the CNC version worth the extra 25usd over the DC version ?
  15. Thats bad news, would love being able to switch between the standard folding stock and ar stock but dislike that angle. Yeah LCT make some for around 30 USD. Thanks
  16. Bloodsword: Is that the Hephaestus folding stock ? It seems to have such weird downward angle, i saw this on another lct as well. Otherwise awesome gun! I want a lct for myself, is it the lct ultimak ?
  17. Thanks DeltaZero! Yeah the Ambi works like a charm now with the ambi-bar, no play in the selectors at all. I must have moved it before taking the picture but it clicks in place really smooth. I love using ambidextrous controls so im really happy about it, they were not so good with the original aeg gearbox. This is all you need if you already got the selectors - http://www.ampedairsoft.com/product_p/fe-sel-ambi-bar.htm WGCshop got them in stock accept the tan 11,5 version, guess i took the last one for now http://www.wgcshop.com/wgc2008/main/product_detail1.php?search_From=categ
  18. Some small but lovely upgrades that was needed! MFT short grip and g&g T1
  19. Nice guns Eugene! Love that mk18. Also the silencer on your mk12 is so camoflagued against that wall!! XD
  20. Nah i want to use it in a future 14,5 inch upper to. I actually have a aac mini4 on the way for it but would like to switch for a muzzle break once in a while.. I found some some but the question is if the barrel will fit inside.
  21. I hear you Kojak! Ive seen some pictures of that setup of the line going in just under the buffer tube, that would look really good if the hose ran through a 1p sling! But just like Deltazero says after shouldering the gun the pistolgrip is the only way to go i believe. My 36 inch line can run perfect both over my shoulder or down at my waist. I reinstalled the urx2 again actually, waiting on another upper to have with the Vtac. The orga innerbarrel sticks out about 50 mm so i really need a flashhider/muzzle break etc thats about 62mm and can fit the barrel inside. The standard urx
  22. Some small changes. Vtac rail and fusion engine installed.
  23. Same thing but without the storage space i believe, looks like all the same angles.
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