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About MadMax1818

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 11/29/1986

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Got my helm done now, just need to weather it up. Only thing i want is a contour to sitck on the side
  2. well i finally got mine I managed to get it to fit by removing a couple of the foam inserts. Only problem is it looks really small on my head, especially from the side, so i think i will just sell it and get one of these http://www.ebairsoft.com/fast-helmet-p-5368.html Looks big enough.
  3. Same mine still hasn't arrived, they said they would post it on the 26th the tracking said it had left on the 6th The accessory's i bought afterwards for it from ebaybanned have turned up before it too.
  4. Just got one of these now, man its nice. got a questions though has anyone managed to download the manual from Ares? Also anyone one ells have the co2 mags, mine just wont break through the top of the co2 bulb.
  5. Ty for the comments guys, the things built like a brick I haven't tried the spring bolt on it as i heard it was firing at like 300fps or something. But I'm getting 515 fps out of the gas mag on green gas and iv got a co2 mag to try to But i haven't got around to testing its accuracy yet, been looking into getting a TB barrel for it but there aint many 800mm ones about.
  6. new toy came to my door today Now what kind of cammo job to give it
  7. both systems use real steal specs for threads don't they? So it should fit, not sure if you could fit the buffer in, is the we one different to the WA one ?
  8. Sorry for the late reply. Its not bad, after some use i can walk around with it on Only annoying thing about it is focusing it for different ranges. But it wasn't expensive, about £100.
  9. no mods just screws straight on
  10. Second that, needs more pics
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