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About mvirtue

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  • Airsofter since
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    United States
  1. The Serbu is the closest they have done... You could get that, add the RS grip and fore. Presto, change-o...
  2. Yes, they will. I am running a RS MG3 one on mine.
  3. Be aware that the legs are steel but the pin of the bipod is not and can shear off
  4. They have to hold up to the 800 or so PSI from CO2.
  5. @rOnii Nothing really new there. I've only used my HPA tank to fill the shells since the beginning.
  6. My SF and my Magnum both have the same bolt.
  7. Why are you doing this to me? My wallet is already hurting.
  8. My MG42 was not a drop in, I still have issues. But I know that they are self induced. Dwell is set too high, nozzle not aligned. And I'm still looking for a bucking that works. Nothing worked on the original either, so that's not better or worse.
  9. The SGA will fit. You'll need to grind out a touch to clear the lifter arms ( I think that is what they are). About a minute with a dremel and you'll be good to go. You'll have to source a bolt for the stock though.
  10. The Seberu is about an 8" barrel. The shell tube is about 7.5", since it is a 2 shell tube. I got the full length and the shorty, but everything is interchangeable as NonEx said.
  11. Dang!!!! That is more than the shorty!
  12. And they have the 2 shell tube, and a plain +1 tube... Edit...I should read slower That was a +2 shell tube, not the 2 shell tube.
  13. might be possible as it is not actually using liquid CO2. ( See my earlier readings). NonEx when he gets the 88g C02 cartridges might be able to get liquid CO2 in there. So anyone know of a regulator that might fit? I'm willing to give it a try. I have a Redline reg but I'd need a fitting to go from 6mm or 1/4 OD tubing back to the pin valve type. Or anyone know where to get one of those?
  14. You need to enlarge the notch on the mag a touch, or shave the magwell down a touch.
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