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About gafes

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 07/15/1981

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  • Airsofter since
    July 2005
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Mochis, Sinaloa
  • Interests
    My girl, Airsoft and Computers, and far, far away my job, jejejeje
  1. They were dirty, i don´t know why seem so clean in the photo, i think no dirty enough.
  2. This is the loadout that i use in my last skirmish. This is my first post in this section, please be gentle. Greetings!!!! No googles as i just was posing. The kneepads left in my bag, i forgot to put on for the photshoot.
  3. I also use a single point sling in my VFC AKS74U
  4. DerRelienT thank you so much!!!!
  5. The rail come with the AEG and it has a manual that is a copy of the TM SG552 so it does not show how to put the rail. I think that this doubt is not enough reason to start a new thread and as this is the sig thread i think that someone could help me. Finally, i know that amateurstuntman explain well but my primary language is spanish, so i don´t undertand certain words. Anyway thanks for all!!!
  6. Sorry for being so noobish but can you place a picture or a draw?. Thanks!!!!
  7. how do i put the top rail in the JG SG550?
  8. Noobish question: how do i put the top rail in the JG SG550? Thanks!!!!
  9. That has to be the most beatiful M4 that i have ever seen, do you mind to put a part list?. Thanks!!!!
  10. wow, in portugal not only your AEG requires orange tip, the players also need one Greetings!!!!
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