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Army SF & SOF Pics

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@ Faint: Dude I know-I saw that and almost fainted! J/K. Finally, the Daniel Defense M4 RIS II on a US Army M4. There are 2 versions of those, the regular version is a straight 12" rail-that's the one with the NSN on their website and a rep there said that will be used. But there's also the version in the pic abover where you can retain the 14.5" M4's front sight tower for less rifle mods-think Knights Armament MRE rail. On the regular DD M4 RIS II, the Knights Armament MK 12 low profile gas block will be used so you need a front flip sight. (I have a TM M4 that's waiting for this rail-but I'm hoping airsoft land in Asia will make a lower priced replica like they did with the DD MK 18 RIS II)

Daniel Defense M4 RIS II:



Daniel Defense M4 RIS II FSP (US Army SWG in shooting competition):



US Army SF pic from milphotos.net (note M4 CQBR with Daniel Defense MK 18 RIS II-Block 2 upgrade yay!) Moar Block 2 pix!


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loving the protec Highspeed1

i want protecs to be used more as they are such comfy helmets.


They are nice and light. Note that if you have Peltor/MSA Sordin type comm headsets these are better because they have MICH type straps : this: http://www.pthelmets.com/proddetail.asp?prod=4811931DMIL or the half shell variant of it. Those headsets don't really fit on the Protec B, B2, Ace helmets because those have the regular 2-point strap.


@ BSM: nice new pics!

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Looks like they have modifications not openly listed on Beyonds website (knee/ elbow/ thigh reinforcements, elasticated rear seat).t



Well, at the trials, they had a sewing facility (Ready One actually) making uniforms on the fly, per their request at the end of each day, so no two uniforms from day to day would be the same.

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That pic sparked quite the debate on another forum... Apparently according to the guy who snapped it they were "test firing" the weapons


I can tell you from experience no part of any "testing" we have ever done included blindly firing rounds downrange... Seems like more of a photo op than anything to me

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