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Those mag pouches aren't hard to reach at all because I shoot left handed. EI single on the photo's right side is for refilling my weak side pouches, not drawing from directly. I have the PTT in that postion (actually it should be higher, it slid down) so that I can maintain a postive grip on my rifle and activate the PTT with my wrist. When I get more cash, I'm gonna get 2 TT Double mag pouches and place them on either side of the immediate center, then 2 TT Triple's to place next to the doubles.

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I can easily tell you are a left, hence why I said to move the PTT to the other side. Also the weapon hanging on your left was another big give away. Having your PTT on your left side means you have to reach farther with your right hand which is a more practical and more suitable way of grabbing your PTT. I mean, yes do whatever works for you, but when shooting you shouldn't have to be using your wrist to activate your radio.


The hard to reach mags I am talking about the ones on your left side. Doesn't make sense to have them farther away then whatever is in that other pouch. If it was a setup for a real PJ whatever is in that pouch would be easily accessible after you get to whatever trauma scene there is. Rounds however aren't something you want to be reaching way across your chest for.


But do whatever you please.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I can easily tell you are a left, hence why I said to move the PTT to the other side. Also the weapon hanging on your left was another big give away. Having your PTT on your left side means you have to reach farther with your right hand which is a more practical and more suitable way of grabbing your PTT. I mean, yes do whatever works for you, but when shooting you shouldn't have to be using your wrist to activate your radio.


The hard to reach mags I am talking about the ones on your left side. Doesn't make sense to have them farther away then whatever is in that other pouch. If it was a setup for a real PJ whatever is in that pouch would be easily accessible after you get to whatever trauma scene there is. Rounds however aren't something you want to be reaching way across your chest for.


But do whatever you please.



As an update, I switched the Pantac Triple Cell AR pouch for a TT Double AR pouch closest to the opening buckles, and a TT triple AR pouch next to it. I intend to do the same on the opposite side of the vest. I have a Paraclete CANSOF Med Pouch on order to go just behind the TT mag pouches on the wearers right side (Also, I got Multicam and a PACA on order).

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tommyknocker2121 - what kit is it that you're actually wearing in the pics, it's a little hard to see what everything is.


A couple of things that immediately jumped out however was your pistol and rifle aren't really that accurate (are you running a P226?) and you should see about changing the headset (although I can't really make it out under the MICH, it's certainly not a pair of ComTacs that's for sure!)

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Welp might as well close it on that one lol...


Lord Sex pwns the PJ thread as well...lets just hope he never gets a full FR loadout together.



It is a nice looking set-up I do not in anyway see how Lord Sex "pwns" the PJ thread. It really doesn't overly scream PJ in anyway to be quite honest. It is very generic and is lacking in the PJ specific areas. There is nothing that denotes medical or screams out hey I am here to save lives. I mean PJ's are life savers first and foremost then life takers.

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It is a nice looking set-up I do not in anyway see how Lord Sex "pwns" the PJ thread. It really doesn't overly scream PJ in anyway to be quite honest. It is very generic and is lacking in the PJ specific areas. There is nothing that denotes medical or screams out hey I am here to save lives. I mean PJ's are life savers first and foremost then life takers.

It's an almost perfect STS Pararescueman set-up...


He needs to make a few changes that we've already discussed, but it's still a pretty nice job.

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