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ITT, You laugh you lose


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Some people appear to be struggling with what kind of things are acceptable on these forums. Below are some highlights. I'm sick of people ignoring this, so the next post I have to edit will result in a 3 day suspension for that user and this whole thread being deleted.


Spam and Irrelevant Posts

Keep all your posts relevant. Adding posts that contribute nothing to the conversation (spam) will be deleted. Do not 'bump' your threads by posting irrelevant information or just "bump". It is spam and will be deleted. Persistent spamming will result in warning points being added to your account, a suspension, or a ban from the forums.

This is a PG-13 web site

By this, we mean that the following things are NOT allowed to be posted on the forums...

  • foul or obscene language (there is a language filter that will block most profanities. Deliberately mis-spelling words to get past the language filters will result in your post being edited or deleted)
  • references glorifying or inciting drug-misuse
  • references glorifying or inciting criminal behavior or violence
  • images or videos that contain profane language (swearing)
  • images or videos of graphic violence
  • images or videos of an adult or graphically sexual nature
  • images or videos that show drug misuse

Racial, Sexual and Religious Equality

This site makes no discrimination between people of different race, gender or religion. Airsoft is a sport for all, and these forums reflect that. We welcome everyone except those who demonstrate intolerance toward others.


This is a particularly delicate area to police, so the forum staff will have the final say. Comments about anything that discriminates against people, are forbidden.

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Thread starter has also been suspended for three days for his glorious 'use 4chan stuff but don't admit to it as it's against the rules' speech. On that basis despite some half funny images, the thread has been doomed by your evil intarweb overlords. Sorry. ;)

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