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Gallery with comments - not a bad idea. People looking for pictures can just ignore the comments. I don't know much about gallery scripts, but there's probably a mod...


I kinda agree that if there's not too much abuse, then you could just leave things be. And let a global mod take care of some of those threads. Or just scan for pictures if it's not a common problem.


Character mins are ineffective...to reach the appropriate number of characters, people usually just post something like "Trying 2 get too 50 cahracters!111!" or "...................................."


And good lord, Sledge talking about being selfish? :D Quoting from sig: "Forum "celebrity" apparently. Willing to sell autographs. Price negotiable. PM with enquiries."

Edited by Tecro
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The picture threads are the main reason, IMO, that Arnies is one of the best Airsoft forums around. I'm sure a good majority of members spend a good deal of time among them. Losing the pic threads would NOT be a terrific idea.





I don't use quite a few of the subforums,


Seriously!?, because I find it difficult to find a thread without a post of yours ;)

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i dont understand what the controversy over picture threads is, first we had a whole hoo haa over pictures making arnies run slower as they were taking up too much bandwidth or some rubbish, now we have proven that theory wrong (most people use outside hosting anyway) people want to do away with them because there are two many words? now thats just silly.


leave the picture threads alone, its like, now the rep systems gone you have to find something else to whine about... stop













hammer time

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Gotta say, the "I don't use it, so let's close it" view seems a little... selfish.

I agree. I don't really use the pics section my self, really, but when I do go there, it would be because a) I want to see what something looks like b ) I have something that I think looks cool to share with everyone, and c) there's nothing to post about else where, so I try and practice my photography, and post a few pics. I could see people going for a few other reasons, like checking out what's new or maybe to ask a short question.


Any who, personally I think that they're all good enough reasons, and the "secret society" thing is kind of cool, if you ask me but that doesn't change the fact that you can't find a pic when you need one. Searching through is fairly easy, because you can tell what posts have pics and which don't, but the search tool can't tell the difference between images and only searches for text, and most pics aren't labeled, so looking for something in particular won't yield a lot of results without going through every page of the thread, which is annoying with all the non-pic posts. IMO, policing the hell out of everything is going to take more mods (I'm against for a few reasons), or close everything down which really doesn't solve anything. Having just a gallery will remove a few things that are nice to have, and doing something like I suggested before will require a lot of work, especially if we were to move the old pics from the pic threads.


So, I think the best and easiest thing that could be done is to have everyone label their pics. It'll only work for the future though, and I don't know how you could get everyone to follow a rule like that. I mean look at all the new pic threads that are made, despite the big sticky.

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I like the whole idea of being able to upload and comment pictures - I read the whole 2011 thread from start to finish about a week ago just to glean ideas and such.


But I have to agree with SB, WAY too many posts merely saying:


"Can anyone post a pic of a 4.3 Hi capa"

"Does anyone here have an M3 on a Capa?"

"I want to upgrade my Hi-capa with such and such... what should I do?"


Etcetc, so alot of people were using it Selfishly as a couple of you put it.


If we could get a proper subdivided etc gallery going, would be superb - but bandwidth has always been an issue, particularly with the mahoooosive in-flux of Newbs, Noobs, Nobs and LPEG seekers. Its just going to get tighter.



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jesus H not more subdivision!


Sometimes I like to look at pictures without knowing exactly what it is I'm going to see, I don't surf the picture threads to see specific guns, I surf them to get ideas and see what other people have done to their guns, usually guns which I'd never consider purchasing myself..


As it is the Picture thread section takes up sweet fa bandwidth because of outside hosting of pretty much 99% of the images.


If you need more bandwidth, just delete the huge amount of picture threads which reside at the back of the pile..

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You misunderstand me a little HBC, I meant subdivided gallery sections similar to how the picture threads are divided









And the problem with bandwidth is yes, right now it is not a problem, but were we to implement a full gallery system, we would have no choice but to upload pictures to the server.



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Going off what someone said earlier, I would be happy to go through the picture threads and clear out all the clutter-though I would need some guidelines on what is clutter and what is not. The only problem is that my computer has been having issues lately with pages with a lot of pictures on them. For some reason, unless I can minimize the page before it appears the computer crashes and takes a while to reboot. Plus, I don't think I could resist re-opening the "airsoft girls" thread :P. All seriousness aside, I'd be totally willing to spend time doing that.

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Sort of off topic I guess and apologies if this has been posted before, but for those that don't know you can change the amount of posts you see per page from the default 20 up to a maximum of 40 in My Controls > Board Settings, makes rummaging through picture threads twice as fast if you've got a decent connection.


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aye, for the most part the pic threads are great! many's the time I've trawled through them for a bit of inspiration for something new, or just to catch up on my gun porn... often I don't even read the actual posts...


a pic thread dedicated moderator mightn't be a bad idea, that way pointless posts and prolific trolls can be nipped in the bud, keeping the threads freer for those who want to see actual pics...

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Picture threads with discussion of the subject of that picture thread is saving X amount of threads being posted about that gun.


Discussion about parts in pictures, what parts people can use to do X, what make of that gun is best, etc is saving people starting threads to talk about those things - so picture threads are saving clutter.

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firstly, if everybody did just put what was on their gun, what it was etc, it would cut out a lot of posts for a start.


secondly, i find the pic threads very helpful. getting ideas on how to make your own gun different comes easiest from pic threads. its easier for people who like to make their guns identical to real steel, as theres plenty of real steel pics. however i like to make mine look as good as possible, in an airsoft way. and looking at other pics to see what people have done helps a lot.


for example, the fact ive got an SPR flashider on my G36K comes from seeing an spr in an armalite thread or soemthing. ive had nothing but good feedback about that little mod, and it wouldnt have happened without the pics forum. i like to make my guns very individual, and the forum helps.

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Oooh, whaddayaknow? I already started a thread about this!


Anyway, I dunno what gave people the idea that I wanted the picture threads scrapped. I don't.


What I would like to see, simply out of a sense of fair-play, is that they be given the same level of moderation as the rest of the forums.


If a thread in Tech or GD goes off-topic then somebody will report it and a mod will remind people not to post spam.


The picture threads seem, largely, to be exempt from the forum rules.


There are only a handful of people who use them and, frankly, they pretty much do whatever they want in them because there's nobody keeping an eye on those forums.


The picture forums NEED moderating properly. Otherwise it seems a bit hypocritical to insist that users of other sub-forums adhere to the rules as well.

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Here's an idea  :rolleyes:


Perhaps the majority of picture threads are like that because that's what people want? 


I know that when I post a picture I like a comment or two, if I get a discussion even better!


As has been said it's really not hard to scroll through until you find a picture, unless that's a bit tricky for you lot ;)


Tbh, the systems not broke, don't try and fix it.  If everyone elses enjoyment and use of the forums is annoying you....


I was going to say something in addition, but PariahWolf made the exact point I was going to make on the first page. :mellow:


Let people enjoy their picture/discussion threads as they are. People like receiving praises, having questions asked and answered, etc. Think about it this way: would you rather have some slight clutter in a centralized location answered swiftly by connoisseurs of the subject, or would you rather have a flood of "wot am best gnu????" threads to serve the same purpose? If it bothers you so much, just rename the picture threads section to "Pictures and Discussion."

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it does get annoying when you get three pages without a picture. but then thats why its called browsing i guess. just keep browsing till you find the purdy pictures.


i do feel though that this three page thread about wether or not picture threads are a waste of space is a little, um, would ironic be the term?


if Arnies needs to save space on its HDD's why not obliterate the file attachment thingumy? that takes up lord alone knows how much, creates annoying thumbnails, and anyone who has the first clue about the internet will use imageshack or photobucket anyway.

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And, I assume the same should apply to all the other forums as well?


As long as people are happy discussing bazookas in the handguns forum and as long as people are happy talking about support weapons in the sniper forum, there's nothing to worry about?


Maybe I WANT to see pictures in the picture forums rather than a bunch of random chatter?

Why should I have to suffer because you want to abuse the purpose of the thread?


How about you go ask if it's OK to make a "General M4 discussion" thread and a "General MP5 discussion" thread and see if that'll fly, thus leaving the picture threads for their INTENDED PURPOSE?

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it does get annoying when you get three pages without a picture. but then thats why its called browsing i guess. just keep browsing till you find the purdy pictures.


i do feel though that this three page thread about wether or not picture threads are a waste of space is a little, um, would ironic be the term?

I don't find it ironic. I find it baffling.


The forum has rules.

We're supposed to follow them.

If I started posting random pictures of my guns in tech forum threads they'd get moved.

Because it'd be the wrong place for them.


What's so hard to understand?

Picture thread: You post pictures in it.


Obviously you need to have a bit of give and take, so people can ask about things they see in the pictures, but I just think it's about time somebody sorted those threads out and applied the same rules to them that apply to the rest of the site.


Obviously the ideal solution would be if every member had a gallery that allowed comments to be left AND could be keyword-searched.

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And, I assume the same should apply to all the other forums as well?


As long as people are happy discussing bazookas in the handguns forum and as long as people are happy talking about support weapons in the sniper forum, there's nothing to worry about?


Maybe I WANT to see pictures in the picture forums rather than a bunch of random chatter?

Why should I have to suffer because you want to abuse the purpose of the thread?


How about you go ask if it's OK to make a "General M4 discussion" thread and a "General MP5 discussion" thread and see if that'll fly, thus leaving the picture threads for their INTENDED PURPOSE?


That's blatantly off topic and doesn't happen, and if it did, somebody would get slapped. Hyperbole fails at making a point.

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That's blatantly off topic and doesn't happen, and if it did, somebody would get slapped.

Of course it does.


Some of the conversations in the picture threads go on for page after page and only relate to the pictures in so far as they are discussing an M4, or G36 or whatever.


Anyway, I don't mean to start a debate about it. My Site Suggestion is that more moderation should be applied to the picture forums to the same standard as the other forums.

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But at least they are still discussing the model of weapon that the thread was made for. ;)


Some moderation is needed, I agree. Posts with "user posted image" where every photo once was should be deleted, since they contribute nothing at all to the discussion. Blatant flames and retorts should be sorted out, also. But as far I'm concerned, the most a moderator should step into a semi-intelligent discussion should be a gentle "*ahem* :waggle: " or something similar. As long as it's pertinent, it should be allowed.


Then again, we'd have to settle on what "pertinent" is... <_<

Edited by TheKurodaVagrant
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it does get annoying when you get three pages without a picture. but then thats why its called browsing i guess. just keep browsing till you find the purdy pictures.


Yup. When I feel like getting pass the chatter, I just go to "Lo-fi version" which gives about 40 or so posts per page so it only takes 1-2 pages to get a picture at a higher speed. :P

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