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Political correctness sucks, I hate the way we're not allowed to say "brain storm" at school anymore as it can be found offencive by people who are prone to epeleptic fits, how sad. FU political correctness.


Our teachers have used that a few times recently, and the whole class gets an opportunity to chant "Awwwww...racist!" at them. Fun! :P

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The first pic is obviously photoshopped.


Look at the shadow under the guy with the rock, then compare it with the shadow cast by the tank's main gun.


They don't match.


If memory serves, it's actually a palestinian kid taking on an israeli tank, although that doesn't mean it isn't a fake anyway (PLO were quite good at that)

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If memory serves, it's actually a palestinian kid taking on an israeli tank, although that doesn't mean it isn't a fake anyway (PLO were quite good at that)

Yes and the moon landing was bogus, and JFK really was shot by a magical bullet, we've knwon about magic now for several thousand years


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