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New AI propane and duster adaptors

The Saint

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Oh, come one, propane doesn't smell that bad.  I'm even beginning to like the smell.


Be careful not to buy cans of 134a that say "Contains a bitterant to help discourage inhalant abuse."  That stuff practically chokes you if you vent too much of it in one area.  It feels like if you poured battery acid in your throat, and it doesn't go away until several minutes after you've left the area it was sprayed in.



Hehe, yeah...the bitterant taste is nasty. It was on my lips...I could taste it with my dinner. I could've done without it. The AI propane adapter is godsend, though.

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would a tanaka gas adaptor be useful for extending the tip of regular cans of green and hfc gas? i was considering getting the 134 adaptor so i can fill my wa wilson mags, but if the tanaka adaptor works i might just bump up my plans to get a tanaka.

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Actully i need one of them im selliing my Colt Python with the adaptor and i dropped propane adaptor and it broke it half so now i use the Tanaka to atach to it. So if you have desent shipping prices ill probally buy one.


Not that I'm trying to take away from Sledge's sales or anything, but the Duster adapter should work as a replacement for the Tanaka adapter. Unless you live in the UK, it'll probably be easier to just buy an AI adapter.

so that PC duster stuff is hfc134a basically?


If so where can I buy it, i've been places and no one has them.

Basically, yes. Most superstores should have them, probably in the stationery section. If not, try a computer shop.


would a tanaka gas adaptor be useful for extending the tip of regular cans of green and hfc gas? 

Erm, yeah, that's what they give you them for.

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A word of warning if your planning to shell out the £30 or so for 10 cans of that duster gas Rob15 linked to on ebay. It's very different to Abbey gas, and when I tested it, you get nowhere near the power of Abbey plus it seems to have really bad cool down.

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Hmm, well the teflon tape idea has worked very well on my adaptor, thanks fal!


Now i've actually been able to fill my Micro UZI mag properly with the stuff it seems about the same as the cybergun 134a i'd been using in it. However during filling i did notice a lot of frost building up around the nozzle, maybe that was just because i was filling a big UZI mag?

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In a fairly unscientific test with the bargain eBay gas (just a few quick shots through my chrono at around 22C), I got 210fps-195fps from my WA Colt 1911 and 154-165fps from my MGC Glock 18, which seems a little lower than my testing with branded 134a was.


When I get some time, I'll test it more thoroughly (It's cheap enough to use as Duster spray if it's no use for Airsoft :D)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,


It's been too long since I scanned the forums.


I launched the new injection moulded propane adaptor because I found myself getting economically squeezed. The price of brass has tripled since I first started just over 3yrs ago. Also, the US-CAN currency exchange has fallen by about 20% in the same period.


I had to either increase my prices or change manufacturing methods.


Additionally, my high manufacturing costs made it difficult to sell to retailers who had to be given space to make their margin. As great as internet retail is, I really want to reach more airsofters by getting my products into their local stores.


Still, I've still got my stodgy principles. This new adaptor is still better than the metal ones. It features an enclosed spring which makes installation onto bottles a little bit easier. Also, the spring won't tempt the user to yank it out (as a few of my customers have done). A removed spring is difficult to get back in.


It's counterintuitive, but I actually found this new build is outlasting the old metal build in lifecycle testing. I've been leaving prototypes at a local airsoft field for players to test. I noted that the most prevalent failure mode for my adaptors was what I call a swaging failure.


Over time (and many users) the brass tips would slowly flare into a larger diameter until they could not make an acceptable seal with GBB magazines. I've found the new adaptors are much more resilient so they do not develop this condition. Furthermore, the plastic tip is a bit softer so it seems to make a nicer seal with GBB mags.


The most obvious failure mode is a snapped tip. Dropping the tank tip down usually prangs the metal tips suddenly and irreparably. Neither the plastic or metal adaptors survive a significant drop onto a hard surface. However, the new plastic adaptors survive a light drop much better than the metal probes.


A moderate strike to the side of a metal adaptor often bends the probe. When the user cranks the probe back straight they can fatigue the probe and snap it off. The new plastic adaptors are a resilient plastic which more often bounces than bends.


I will be publishing the results of my probe impact test on my site in the coming week to show that I am making a founded claim. I basically have to clean up my apparatus to make it presentable and take some good piccies.


Thanks for staying interested.



Airsoft Innovations Inc.

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Does anyone know a site that sells the pc duster adaptor? I nee to buy it, but i HATE payapl


I've been trying to get into some UK retaillers, but haven't had much luck. It seems that the difficulty of finding propane in your country is causing your retailers to have some trepidation when considering my product.


Where are UK airsofters typically getting their propane? It would be a great help for me to be able to point them to suppliers.

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Yeah, B&Q's where I get propane from. They're literally everywhere and it's about £5-£6 for a bottle of the benzomatic propane. REALLY easy to get hold of! Also, I've had the plastic propane adapter for about a week now & I'm very impressed with it. Great product, thanks!

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