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I've seen a bigger spyderco collection than that. Had a few of the mule team fixed blades and everything, inc a full set of insect slipits (ladbug, grasshopper, etc etc)



Dont get me wrong, they appear to be nice enough knives, but i wouldnt want that many...

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Quoted for truth- you start off with a couple, then turn around around you've got 40 odd...


We all airsoft, we all know this one way, way, way too well :P


I am sure one day in the future i will look back and ask 'why have i had so many pistols' and the answer will be 'because i could' or 'beacuse i like pistols in general'.



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There's only one reason I've owned so many pistols over the years, I can't afford to keep up with new ones released so sell one buy new one rinse repeat, I'd be embarassed to list what I have owned and let go over the years but it makes 53 look tame, that and my list includes very little clone POS :P


I only have 15 or so knives, maybe 20 and most are movie replicas which are useless other than to look at, but I have my eye on a new folder, ZT or Strider, or one of the ZT/Strider customs, knife for life kinda thing, if I forgoe pistol building for a month or two ;)

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I think Striders are truly gorgeous knives, but the price seems way too much to me for what you get. I could probably justify a ZT, but a strider? No.


I appreciate it's a personal thing, and I will usually spend on something I like, but couldn't justify one...

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I prefer my buck strider 888 over any of the strider offerings, it was a whopping $80 years ago :P so I'm fancying the ZT/Strider custom, although I may just go for the Strider SNG it's less than building a GBB for me, and I've enough full metal 1911 for each day of the week now :P

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Do you think the lock is just not swinging in far enough? I noticed that on one Ti scale knife I have that I have to thumb the lock toward the opposite scale to get a sold feel on the blade.


Oh and as an edit it's the fipper on the blade I really like. I think that's a favorite way for me to open a folder.

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my list includes very little clone POS :P


Considering that you started collecting before the clone craze i can well believe it, plus not that many of mine are bad clones, in fact some of the worst are originals, not clones ;)


Though i know i can't start collecting knives, it would be more money being spent and unlike my airsoft pistols the knives i would like (big fan of fixed blade, not this whole folding and locking stuff) can only really be excused if you are camping and trekking all the time and i don't have the time for that at all with my job :P



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The buck striders are hard to find due to them being discontinued I believe? Wasn't there a falling out over something? Can't remember.


Anyway, I would love an SMF, but te price puts me off. DPX HEST folder too, but £200 for a knife I won't use much seems silly to me. Can't EDC it, too nice for a work beater, and I don't get outdoors enough to use it there either!

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DPX HEST folder too, but £200 for a knife I won't use much seems silly to me.

Can't EDC it, too nice for a work beater, and I don't get outdoors enough to use it there either!

...Add to that there has been more than a few reports of the HEST folder not being everything it's marketing portrayed it to be- a distinct lack of robustness in the pivot and locking was reported on the British Blades forum, and some resulting dummys out of prams.


Dunno if they've fixed that and it was a 'version 1' issue or summat :)

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