WeirdoTransvestite Posted November 30, 2007 Report Share Posted November 30, 2007 Hallelujah Who says the Bible is boring? Violence, death, even the snappy one-liner. Link to post Share on other sites
scithe Posted November 30, 2007 Report Share Posted November 30, 2007 o, heres one i didnt see there. in the "bible" there is a psalm called "al naharot bavel" which means "by the rivers of babel" because that is where the hebrews wept in rememberance of the holy temple. anyway, most of the song is mourning, but at the end it says: "zachor hashem livnei edom eit yerushalayim, ha'omrim aru aru, ad hayisod ba. bat bavel hashduda ashrey sheyishalem lach et g'muel shegamalt lanu. ashrey sheyocheiz vinipeitz et olalayich el hasula." this translates to: "remember god for the ofspring of edom the day of jerusalem, for those who say destroy destroy to its very foundation. o violated daughter of babylon praisworthy is he who repays you in acordance with the manner that you treated us. praisworthy is he who will clutch and dash your infants against the rock." Link to post Share on other sites
Fin Posted November 30, 2007 Report Share Posted November 30, 2007 WIN! Link to post Share on other sites
Deathbringer Posted December 1, 2007 Report Share Posted December 1, 2007 MOST. EPIC. WIN. EVAR. Link to post Share on other sites
Munitions Man Posted December 1, 2007 Report Share Posted December 1, 2007 So basically the bible is a Tom Clancy novel. No wonder I'm a Christian!! Link to post Share on other sites
Hewes Posted December 1, 2007 Report Share Posted December 1, 2007 I love the bible! God FTW!! Link to post Share on other sites
millitant black guy Posted December 1, 2007 Report Share Posted December 1, 2007 the second one was just epic!! i actually pulled out my good book to get the whole story 'With an *albatross*'s jawbone i have made *albatross*'s of them With an *albatross*'s jawbone i killed a thousand men' rofl im going to sprey paint Judges 15:15-16 on the side of my m249 Link to post Share on other sites
WeirdoTransvestite Posted December 4, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 4, 2007 Got something else for you guys. Five Biggest Badass Popes Link to post Share on other sites
RedScare Posted December 5, 2007 Report Share Posted December 5, 2007 lol, furry. Link to post Share on other sites
Azulsky Posted December 5, 2007 Report Share Posted December 5, 2007 Heard all those before, have you guys read the Bible? Not to be offensive but i know from going to a Catholic high school that Catholics overall dont really read it... Link to post Share on other sites
RedScare Posted December 5, 2007 Report Share Posted December 5, 2007 i read the bible once front to cover in and I hated the hypocrisy. =\ Link to post Share on other sites
Xaccers Posted December 5, 2007 Report Share Posted December 5, 2007 Heard all those before, have you guys read the Bible? Not to be offensive but i know from going to a Catholic high school that Catholics overall dont really read it... Most "religious" people don't read their religious texts. It's easier that way, otherwise they might be tempted to ask awkward questions which would suggest a lack of faith. Why do you think the Catholic church spent so much time trying to stop the general public getting hold of copies? Link to post Share on other sites
General Mazaki Posted December 6, 2007 Report Share Posted December 6, 2007 I just want to point out that these verses are from the OLD Testament. The Old Testament was written before Christ came as a way to keep people in control since those were more savage times. Christians no longer follow the Old Testament, but instead the grace of Christ (new testament) which is a lot less 'extreme.' Xaccers: Your statement is FAR from valid as much as you think otherwise. Enlighten me with what questions might suggest 'lack of faith' as you so boldly put it. Link to post Share on other sites
scithe Posted December 6, 2007 Report Share Posted December 6, 2007 and so the battle of the faiths begins Link to post Share on other sites
Beast06 Posted December 6, 2007 Report Share Posted December 6, 2007 Haha. Bit strange about the foreskins Link to post Share on other sites
WeirdoTransvestite Posted December 6, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 6, 2007 I just want to point out that these verses are from the OLD Testament. The Old Testament was written before Christ came as a way to keep people in control since those were more savage times. Christians no longer follow the Old Testament, but instead the grace of Christ (new testament) which is a lot less 'extreme.' Xaccers: Your statement is FAR from valid as much as you think otherwise. Enlighten me with what questions might suggest 'lack of faith' as you so boldly put it. Hey, I have a better idea. Let's not. And who cares if it's from the old testament? I said "Bible" not "New testament" Link to post Share on other sites
General Mazaki Posted December 6, 2007 Report Share Posted December 6, 2007 Hey, I have a better idea. Let's not. And who cares if it's from the old testament? I said "Bible" not "New testament" Well, some people DON'T know these are from the old testament. I'm just pointing it out so people dont start thinking Christians are a bunch of savages. Link to post Share on other sites
Xaccers Posted December 6, 2007 Report Share Posted December 6, 2007 I just want to point out that these verses are from the OLD Testament. The Old Testament was written before Christ came as a way to keep people in control since those were more savage times. Christians no longer follow the Old Testament, but instead the grace of Christ (new testament) which is a lot less 'extreme.' I don't think you'll find there was much difference 2500 years ago than 1500 years ago with regards to savagry. Look at the crusades, the Moor invasions, the Mongols, Nazi's, Darfur etc. It's a convenient idea to think of those in the past as somewhat backwards compared to today's people, but people are people no matter what time period they lived in. Xaccers: Your statement is FAR from valid as much as you think otherwise. Enlighten me with what questions might suggest 'lack of faith' as you so boldly put it. The contradictions, the slaughter at god's command of the canaanites, the total genocide of the flood, the murder of the first born children of Egypt punished because of something they hadn't done - oh so very just, the issue of Joshua's divinity which would negate his claim to be the Messiah as he wasn't the son of Joseph, not to mention the genocide and torture which is described in the book of revelations. To truly take these and many other aspects of the book into consideration and try to match that with the idea of a loving god, and you have a slight problem. If you have faith, you can ignore the barbarism of god, if you aren't able to, then you can't have faith that god is loving, after all, what kind of loving god says "worship me or die" when you get to the base of it? The NT makes clear that people should pray direct to god, and ask forgiveness direct from god. Try telling that to the Pope. Similarly with the Koran, there are aspects of that which raise questions, why was it only ok to have 4 wives, but then when Mohammed wanted another, prophets were allowed 5? Why does it say in one part that the children of the book (ie jews and christians) should be protected yet elswhere they should be destroyed for being pigs. Where Mohammed said sperm was produced (the spine, in line with Roman thinking) is obviously wrong, so this raised the question, is Mohammed really a prophet? If so, how could he be wrong when he was informed by god? We've all see on TV how some religious followers act when aspects of their religion is questioned. While Islam appears afraid to question itself, it's not afraid to show god in the same way as he appears in the bible, while christians tend to ignore those aspects of their god. Never mind that many aspects of religions just don't work in today's world, so are often ignored. Many jewish households don't have two sinks, two sets of plates etc for instance. Link to post Share on other sites
Azulsky Posted December 6, 2007 Report Share Posted December 6, 2007 There is plenty of cruel stuff in the New Testament, they just chose not to look for it I guess. Link to post Share on other sites
General Mazaki Posted December 7, 2007 Report Share Posted December 7, 2007 I don't think you'll find there was much difference 2500 years ago than 1500 years ago with regards to savagry. Look at the crusades, the Moor invasions, the Mongols, Nazi's, Darfur etc. It's a convenient idea to think of those in the past as somewhat backwards compared to today's people, but people are people no matter what time period they lived in. The contradictions, the slaughter at god's command of the canaanites, the total genocide of the flood, the murder of the first born children of Egypt punished because of something they hadn't done - oh so very just, the issue of Joshua's divinity which would negate his claim to be the Messiah as he wasn't the son of Joseph, not to mention the genocide and torture which is described in the book of revelations. To truly take these and many other aspects of the book into consideration and try to match that with the idea of a loving god, and you have a slight problem. If you have faith, you can ignore the barbarism of god, if you aren't able to, then you can't have faith that god is loving, after all, what kind of loving god says "worship me or die" when you get to the base of it? The NT makes clear that people should pray direct to god, and ask forgiveness direct from god. Try telling that to the Pope. Similarly with the Koran, there are aspects of that which raise questions, why was it only ok to have 4 wives, but then when Mohammed wanted another, prophets were allowed 5? Why does it say in one part that the children of the book (ie jews and christians) should be protected yet elswhere they should be destroyed for being pigs. Where Mohammed said sperm was produced (the spine, in line with Roman thinking) is obviously wrong, so this raised the question, is Mohammed really a prophet? If so, how could he be wrong when he was informed by god? We've all see on TV how some religious followers act when aspects of their religion is questioned. While Islam appears afraid to question itself, it's not afraid to show god in the same way as he appears in the bible, while christians tend to ignore those aspects of their god. Never mind that many aspects of religions just don't work in today's world, so are often ignored. Many jewish households don't have two sinks, two sets of plates etc for instance. I could argue with you, but I am choosing not to. I don't think my loving God would appreciate it. You are merely a pig, asking for an arguement, but I shall cast no pearls your way. I believe that Jesus is the Messiah, whether you like it or not. I am sorry that you have chosen what you believe, but I cannot force you to believe what I do. I am going to be honest, I am merely 15, and I have not read as much of the bible as you have, but I am a true Christian, and your words will not shake my faith from its foundation. Everyone will interpret the bible differently, based on how deeply they read between the lines. I do not understand why you wish so much to bring down my faith. What is your motivation? I have done nothing to you by believing what I believe. Please just leave. Link to post Share on other sites
WeirdoTransvestite Posted December 7, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 7, 2007 I see that joeking is reading this, and can only hope he delivers a merciful bullet to this topic's head before it goes too far. Link to post Share on other sites
Xaccers Posted December 7, 2007 Report Share Posted December 7, 2007 I could argue with you, but I am choosing not to. I don't think my loving God would appreciate it. You are merely a pig, asking for an arguement, but I shall cast no pearls your way. I believe that Jesus is the Messiah, whether you like it or not. I am sorry that you have chosen what you believe, but I cannot force you to believe what I do. I am going to be honest, I am merely 15, and I have not read as much of the bible as you have, but I am a true Christian, and your words will not shake my faith from its foundation. Everyone will interpret the bible differently, based on how deeply they read between the lines. I do not understand why you wish so much to bring down my faith. What is your motivation? I have done nothing to you by believing what I believe. Please just leave. Well done, you've just proven my point that many religious people haven't actually read their own religious texts. Much easier to believe what people tell you rather than decide for yourself isn't it? Happens all the time, it's human nature. Likewise with the insults (hey you're only 15 so never mind) when I've expressed no insult to you. Take the atom and how it's presented through education (over in the UK anyway). First off, kids are told there's protons and neutrons stuck together in the nucleus, surrounded by shells of electrons, and those shells can only hold certain amounts of electrons. The first shell can hold 2 electrons, the next holds 8, and the third holds up to 8 as well. The fourth shell holds 2 electrons. Great, we believed that because teachers told us it, but if we'd done some investigating ourselves, we'd have learnt the truth. There are sub shells, and they don't fill up in order. It's called lies to children, and it's a handy learning tool to explain complex subjects to people who don't have the capability to grasp the truth (such as explaining atomic structure to a group of 8 year olds). Similarly, I bet you can tell me the colours of the rainbow, and how it's produced, but do you know why it's curved? Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLite Posted December 7, 2007 Report Share Posted December 7, 2007 I could argue with you, but I am choosing not to. I don't think my loving God would appreciate it. You are merely a pig, asking for an arguement, but I shall cast no pearls your way. I believe that Jesus is the Messiah, whether you like it or not. I am sorry that you have chosen what you believe, but I cannot force you to believe what I do. I am going to be honest, I am merely 15, and I have not read as much of the bible as you have, but I am a true Christian, and your words will not shake my faith from its foundation. Everyone will interpret the bible differently, based on how deeply they read between the lines. I do not understand why you wish so much to bring down my faith. What is your motivation? I have done nothing to you by believing what I believe. Please just leave. [i will not insult people] In any case, I thought the article was most amusing, especially the *albatross*-jaw part. Link to post Share on other sites
w733commando Posted December 8, 2007 Report Share Posted December 8, 2007 Take the atom and how it's presented through education (over in the UK anyway). First off, kids are told there's protons and neutrons stuck together in the nucleus, surrounded by shells of electrons, and those shells can only hold certain amounts of electrons. The first shell can hold 2 electrons, the next holds 8, and the third holds up to 8 as well. The fourth shell holds 2 electrons. Great, we believed that because teachers told us it, but if we'd done some investigating ourselves, we'd have learnt the truth. There are sub shells, and they don't fill up in order. It's called lies to children, and it's a handy learning tool to explain complex subjects to people who don't have the capability to grasp the truth (such as explaining atomic structure to a group of 8 year olds). Yeah that's what I've been taught, but it's only to make it easier to understand what really happens when I hit sixth form I (atleast this is what our teachers tell us). I agree with you about deciding and discovering things for yourself, as I hate it when things are forced upon you with no room for your own decisions. This is exactly why I am agnostic, I will choose what belief I want to follow when I think I am old enough and wise enough to make the right choice for me. Link to post Share on other sites
Xaccers Posted December 8, 2007 Report Share Posted December 8, 2007 Yeah that's what I've been taught, but it's only to make it easier to understand what really happens when I hit sixth form I (atleast this is what our teachers tell us). I agree with you about deciding and discovering things for yourself, as I hate it when things are forced upon you with no room for your own decisions. This is exactly why I am agnostic, I will choose what belief I want to follow when I think I am old enough and wise enough to make the right choice for me. I wish more people took that view, of finding out for themselves rather than blindly following what someone in authority has told them. In Yemen, which is often refered to as a breeding ground for terrorists, they implimented an educational system to tackle people who believe terrorism is sanctioned by the koran. By allowing them free access to the koran to make up their own mind, directing them to passages which actually give the rules of Jihad for instance, they've made a major impact to terrorism. Link to post Share on other sites
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