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Pictures Of Yourself In The Field Or At A Game

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Just to add on from Caz's post, rules for this thread are simple and as follows.


1. Post pics of yourself posing in an airsoft arena (NOT in the toilet or room sweeping under the bed with an M79 launcher) Posts like that will magically disappear thanks to the magic of the internet.

2. No b****ing. I've noticed a large increase of "Hur hur! Yer geer int kerrect. Yer missin a button!" Again, these comments will magically disappear.

3. Anyone being nasty, spamming or just being a plain *albartroth* will also be entered into our "Warning Points Competition" where you'll have the chance to enter into our raffle to see how many warning points/days/weeks/months/years off from the forums you can win.


Now that's been said, post away and have fun.


EDIT: looks like people aren't taking this seriously. Fine, give me an excuse to close this and i will. Simple

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Had a shufty round and found a few OLD photo's of me (circa 98/99)


(hell, i was much thinner then... that's what smoking did to me... :D )


me, my mate dave (Triggerthetart on these forums) and the other guy? Well... let's just say we don't get on with each other


Me an Bob last year (can you spot the fake/clone P90? ;) )

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1. Post pics of yourself posing in an airsoft arena (NOT in the toilet or room sweeping under the bed with an M79 launcher) Posts like that will magically disappear thanks to the magic of the internet.


So I guess those of us without a regular game photographer are SOL then? Hardly fair.


EDIT: You could do what i do and ask one of the Marshalls to take a few pics with a cheap Digi-cam. 9 times out of 10 they don't mind. Problem sorted

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So I guess those of us without a regular game photographer are SOL then? Hardly fair.

Yes. You've seen through our ploy. It's all one huge conspiracy to stop you posting pic's. You should probably be an investigative lawyer or something and then get your own TV show where you get to stick it to "da man" every week.


Oh, wait. What I mean is that this thread is for pic's of you in the field or posing. If you're going to stand in your living room modelling your new BDUs there's already more suitable threads for that.

Turns out there's no anti-Sekiryu conspiracy after all. You are free to go about your business. For now. :P


EDIT: looks like people aren't taking this seriously. Fine, give me an excuse to close this and i will. Simple

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Uh, I know I'm not one to say such things really, but haven't the rules not changed one bit since the last thread? People didn't complain then so why complain now :blink:


Also another way of getting pictures in the field, other than asking a Marshall, is to take a disposable camera. That way if it gets damaged theres no problem, and any pictures taken can still be developed and scanned onto your computer-ma-jig!


Anyhow, good work cleaning house Sir Rhino! Gave me a few chuckles just reading your rules post.


Onwards with the thread!

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So I guess those of us without a regular game photographer are SOL then? Hardly fair.


You mean you haven't got one? I won't set foot on a game site without my personal film crew in attendance. <_<


If you really really want to see your picture in here, get one taken. You'll figure out how. Most shots of me (not that there are many) were taken when I wasn't looking or even aware some daft bleep was sneaking about with a camera (hence my belly is usually sticking out).


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An old one:


Short story: It was an 'escort the VIP' game and the 'VIP' was almost at the objective, I spotted him and ran like mad to get a shot at him, and I ended up taking him out right before I 'died' in a hail of plastic.

Edited by PlasticMag
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