General Mazaki Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Judging by his profile he's only a young wipper snapper at 15 years old. Probably hasn't even popped his cherry yet, let alone gone and served overseas, unless he plays CoD4! I meant our soldiers. Not me. I was trying to make a point. I'm saying our soldiers are the ones who haven't given up yet because they still have hope and faith. I don't know how hard it will be to stabalize a government that is based on the thing we are fighting, but would you rather have the war take place in Iraq, or the streets of London and New York? I don't care about the oil. I actually find it sad that people are using the war to obtain oil. It gives liberals more reason to think the war is bad. We need to get the radicals under control. That is all that matters. It is most certainly going to make that objective more difficult when your soldiers have fully pulled out. Even our government is considering it because majority of Americans are liberal zombies that don't think for themselves and don't have the first damn clue about military tactics. We NEED to win this war. If we don't, we're gonna be in a whole lot more trouble than we are now. Both the US, and the UK. Don't even underestimate me for a second. Link to post Share on other sites
General Mazaki Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Do British boots not let the sand in then? Let alone all the other countries with forces in Iraq (Actually, ARE there any others left)? To be honest, I think the British Government deserve the world's contempt and the average American's hatred - After all, if Tony hadn't gone down on his knees for George Bush no Americans would have died in Iraq and they wouldn't be running around in boots that let in the sand trying to clear up the mess their president made... Tony & George - War crimes trial anyone? I think history will judge Bush (especially) harshly... Cheers. The president can only make decisions based on what the information he is given. You can't blame him. He thought he was doing the right thing to ensure the safety of this country. We didn't find nukes, true, but we found all these radicals and a tortured public who was terrified of their dictator. We solved the dictator problem. Now we need to stabilize the government so that they can fight the terrorists so that our soldiers can leave. It's is in progress, but things are slowly improving. In my book, slowly is better than none. Now, I am sure you're aware that the public in Iraq is terrified of the radicals. If we leave, they are gonna go to the public and say this; "Remember what we could do while the American soldiers were here? Well, they aren't here to try and stop us anymore." Basically, the people will go to their knees. Then we have an even more serious problem. Also, in REAL combat, sand getting in boots isn't to uncommon. You are basically finding a way to say our military is cr*p. Boy are you wrong. If anything, Bush is a hero by supporting this war. He is doing his job; keeping the country safe by any means necessary. Tony Blair is also a hero, despite what you think. He was helping us, but because people like you cried like babies about how bad the war is because you have these uneducated opinions, he is now pulling out our support. Thanks a lot. Now, its just gonna take longer to get the mission completed. Link to post Share on other sites
General Mazaki Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 What Regiment and how many times have you deployed? Idiot! I am saying that our soldiers are the only ones that are still fighting. Maybe if you weren't so arrogant, you would understand it, idiot. Link to post Share on other sites
General Mazaki Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 You sir, are an absolute idiot. It's best not to talk about things you know nothing about. :| Know nothing about? Read the posts above this and tell me I know nothing again. Link to post Share on other sites
RedScare Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 *facepalm* Link to post Share on other sites
General Mazaki Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Yeah, isn't it funny that your prime minister abandoned our troops, probably because he caved in to the opinions of people like you. Link to post Share on other sites
Gadge Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 You should have a chat to the Fusiliers, Queens Dragoons Guards or Staffords about how good American forces are. The Fusiliers had two of their convoy shot up by a10s despite being in an allied area flying union flags and IR recognition panels (to make it worse they went back for another pass after killing a load of our lads). My regiment the Staffords lost more men to 'friendly' US fire than Iraqi fire in GW1. My mate Jay toured Iraq with a England football flag draped round his bergan as terrified US reservists *mortared* anything they saw in the desert without confirming it. He's not incredibly impressed by US military skill having nearly been killed by it. Our lads are leaving the army in droves as they have been pulled into Americas war for control of oil by our former primeminister who felt obliged to do whatever Bush told him. They signed up to protect the country not to fight a war for oil. 60 odd years ago a world leader occupied a few countries 'for their protection' they just happened to have massive steel reserves and armaments plants as well.... i can see parallels. Now dont get me wrong I have *nothing* against America, every American I've met has been sound but jingoistic flag waving gets my back up. However as a former professional soldier I cannot see the professionalism of the British army put into disrepute. The British army is regarded as the best in the world, for its size and underfunding it consistently pulls off miracles. UK forces are currently *35%* deployed, that is simply unsustainable and we're forced into it by US commitment. (in case you're wondering a third of the army has to be on leave, a third need to be in training and a third can be deployed... hence 35 per cent is long term unsustainable as it means solider end up doing longer tours with less leave and dont receive adequate build up training before deployment) I'll give you an example, early in the Falklands campaign the Uks helicopters were sunk, the US advisors said there was no way we could prosecute a war when we'd have to cross 60 miles of broken swampy and rocky ground to get to it carrying al our kit on our back. The paras and marines MARCHED there, fought the battle and didnt make a fuss about it. The US said it couldn't be done. Similarly a small UK force stopped communism in Malaya in the 50s/60s while outnumbered hundreds to one, it was our vietnam but we won. How did we do it, by setting up hospital and schools for non communist locals...not by bombing the hell out of malaya. Did you know the US dropped more tons of TNT on khe san in two weeks than on the entirety of nazi germany in WWII? The US army is very good by world standards, competent by western world standards but it is *not* in the same league as HM Forces, i'm sorry if you dont like that but its just a fact. You have a very good(and superbly equipped) force but its too reliant on technology and not on the skill and initiative of the individual solider. With all due respect you're 15, you've been fed a lot of propaganda, you've not seen the business end of a real rifle, been shot at or soldiered you do not know what you're talking about - it might be an idea to wind your neck in a do some more unbiased research unless you're just trolling. US foreign policy is reminiscent of 1900s Brits 'gunboat diplomacy', it wasn't right when we did it and it isnt right now. This is not an anti US post this is a defence of the skill and bravery of UK troops being maligned by a child. Link to post Share on other sites
Chimpy Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Yeah, isn't it funny that your prime minister abandoned our troops, probably because he caved in to the opinions of people like you. Get yourself a clue kid. Edit: Well said Gadge. Link to post Share on other sites
Flakdragon Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 The president can only make decisions based on what the information he is given. You can't blame him. He thought he was doing the right thing to ensure the safety of this country. We didn't find nukes, true, but we found all these radicals and a tortured public who was terrified of their dictator. We solved the dictator problem. Now we need to stabilize the government so that they can fight the terrorists so that our soldiers can leave. It's is in progress, but things are slowly improving. In my book, slowly is better than none. Now, I am sure you're aware that the public in Iraq is terrified of the radicals. If we leave, they are gonna go to the public and say this; Erm, he was recently found to have lied over 940 recorded times in order to initiate the war with Iraq...not so sure that he's the poor guy who got misinformed anymore. The radicals flocked to Iraq when WE got there. When we removed Saddam, he had been so powerful and created so much fear that factions like the Sunni minorities were actually partially shielded from the Shiites and it was far safer on the street than with a war on. With Saddam gone, these factions are basically free to continue a religious conflict that's been going on for centuries. You can't tell me you can stabilize everything especially with the fact that we'd need to somehow resolve or lower a conflict that lies purely in ideology and has been going on longer than we have even existed? If we pulled that off, we'd be the greatest peacemakers of all time. But in all honesty, we aren't. That goal is a very distant future for us, especially seeing as we'd really have to dig deep and hit every issue on the playing field. So, in all honesty, Bush lied, and the removal of Saddam has allowed factions like the Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis to run around freely, which is much worse. Just my opinion with some facts behind it anyway. Link to post Share on other sites
starburst Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 I just think its funny that he still thinks Blair is the PM...really should do his homework before making comment on forums. He really shouldnt get some of the guys on here who are/have been Brit forces started as Gadge ect will open a can of squaddie woop *albatross*. Way I see it as a civvie is no one has adandoned anyone, you have obviously been reading too much overly patriotic bull which is trying to compensate for gross stupidity when it comes to operating Apache helicopters Link to post Share on other sites
FallenGuard Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 I wonder what the General's Opinion is on Countries that refused to participate in the first place. So far, I expect "cheese eating surrender monkeys". Link to post Share on other sites
starburst Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 I think his opinion is tarred by the fact he obviosuly believes everyone is abandoning the "good old USofA" when in reality its part of a planned hand over (which is what is supposed to happen so the country can slowly stand on its own feet) and the US are also reducing troop numbers this year. Stupid that when a team are ready to take out/capture key targets they are told to wait for US SF to arrive as its obvious the US wants "the glory"...UKSF wont care about that it will just annoy them that a target has gotten away because they were told not to do the job. Link to post Share on other sites
Gadge Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 I'd just like to make it clear that i'm not saying the UK is the worlds greatest country, there is plenty wrong with out culture (mostly the cultural imperialism we've succumbed to where lads living in suburbs of Nottingham think they are bronx gangsters becasue they have no positive role models). There is a lot wrong with our government and our laws (statistically our government has more control and surveillance of our lives than a certain 30s totalitarian state ever had over its populace). What you cant fault however, and this i want to be clear on, is the dedication and *quiet* professionalism of our troops. We dont go 'hoohah lets kick some iraqi *albatross*' we just do the job were paid to and try and hurt as few people along the way as possible. I was annoyed at our lads being called cowards.. was it cowardly to drive a warrior APC *on fire* back in to a fire fight to rescue mates and receive horrific injuries yourself.,00.html Is it cowardly to lead the worlds first *bayonet charge* in 20 years on superior enemy positions when low on ammo. I think 'general' you have slurred some of the bravest men on this planet and you owe them an apology. These boys didnt do their job with smart bombs or hi-tech combat gear... just underpaid, overworked, under equipped Tommy Atkins doing his job again and again... without making a fuss about it. Its also interesting to note that when we attest in the British army we sign an oath of loyalty to the Queen (and admittedly her representatives) but to the queen at the heart of it all, not the prime minister. Link to post Share on other sites
Craby Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 I am saying that our soldiers are the only ones that are still fighting. Maybe if you weren't so arrogant, you would understand it, idiot. You are such a jumped up little geek come back when your voice has broken, and you are strong enough to pick up a real weapon, at the same time learn some manners. How dare you put down our armed forces when you have never even been in their shoes. You have annoyed me, and I advise you to never talk about adult topics on this forum again, young man. Link to post Share on other sites
Misfit Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Gadge just made the best posts on this forum for about 6 months. Link to post Share on other sites
Night_raven Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Not really... Your soldiers are pulling out right now as we type. We're the only ones with sand in our boots trying to get Iraq stable and eliminate as many radical muslims as possible. You're only as good as the job requires. Lots of insults removed by moderator. Link to post Share on other sites
Samm Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Well said. Link to post Share on other sites
Night_raven Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Well said. Wasn't it just. *Sarcastic sod. Link to post Share on other sites
Gadge Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 Gadge just made the best posts on this forum for about 6 months. thank you, kind of you to say so. (p.s. sorry for being arsy about the d-day video) Link to post Share on other sites
General Mazaki Posted January 30, 2008 Report Share Posted January 30, 2008 You are such a jumped up little geek come back when your voice has broken, and you are strong enough to pick up a real weapon, at the same time learn some manners. How dare you put down our armed forces when you have never even been in their shoes. You have annoyed me, and I advise you to never talk about adult topics on this forum again, young man. What are you? My parent? You're "jumped up little geek" tactic is pathetic. You sound like some loser on Xbox Live who picks on kids and smokes pot all day until the only thing still functioning in his brain is his sex drive and reptile brain. Go to hell. BTW, I would have no problem picking up a real weapon and shooting some loser like you. You say how dare you, but most of brits seem to have no problem looking down on the "yanks". Respect works both ways, *beep*, and frankly you don't deserve any American's respect. I know more about the armed forces than you think I do. My family has been in the airforce and the navy as long as I can remember because they wanted to defend this country. Just to let you know, my great uncle was directly targeted and killed by a terrorist cell. Search up William Nordeen, there's your proof. Maybe you should have thought about my motivations before lashing out. I want all those radicals dead because I know what they do. I never got to meet my great uncle because some damn terrorist didn't want Americans in Greece and blew him up with a bomb. I feel extremely strong about this. All I want is those goddamn radical musilms off the face of the planet and burning in hell because I know how savage they are, and if you had lost someone because of it, you would be saying the same things I am. BTW, don't bother to say this is disorganized, I already know that. If you are as smart as you say you are, you can make sense of it. Have a nice day. Link to post Share on other sites
Samm Posted January 30, 2008 Report Share Posted January 30, 2008 Well there's a generalisation and a half about Muslims if I ever did see one. Link to post Share on other sites
RedScare Posted January 30, 2008 Report Share Posted January 30, 2008 BTW, I would have no problem picking up a real weapon and shooting some loser like you. Is that a death threat? Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost_Rider Posted January 30, 2008 Report Share Posted January 30, 2008 What are you? My parent? You're "jumped up little geek" tactic is pathetic. You sound like some loser on Xbox Live who picks on kids and smokes pot all day until the only thing still functioning in his brain is his sex drive and reptile brain. Go to hell. BTW, I would have no problem picking up a real weapon and shooting some loser like you. You say how dare you, but most of brits seem to have no problem looking down on the "yanks". Respect works both ways, *beep*, and frankly you don't deserve any American's respect. I know more about the armed forces than you think I do. My family has been in the airforce and the navy as long as I can remember because they wanted to defend this country. Just to let you know, my great uncle was directly targeted and killed by a terrorist cell. Search up William Nordeen, there's your proof. Maybe you should have thought about my motivations before lashing out. I want all those radicals dead because I know what they do. I never got to meet my great uncle because some damn terrorist didn't want Americans in Greece and blew him up with a bomb. I feel extremely strong about this. All I want is those goddamn radical musilms off the face of the planet and burning in hell because I know how savage they are, and if you had lost someone because of it, you would be saying the same things I am. BTW, don't bother to say this is disorganized, I already know that. If you are as smart as you say you are, you can make sense of it. Have a nice day. Racist, xenophobic, insulting and threatening to other users. Three strikes, and he's outta here. Everyone else, wind your necks in. Far too many insults in this thread, especially from other members who should know better. Night raven, you can come back in a week when you can play nice. Link to post Share on other sites
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