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i believe that they are colt magazines. but i will be buying a few chip mccormick magazines in the future, as well as a few more kimber mags. those Colts were bought by me secondhand for very little, so that i have some magazines.

the light is AMAZING!

i considered crimson traces, but these grips are just so freaking comfortable!


Edited by masakarijoe
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ive been looking around at some crimson trace grips (as suggested above) but there arent any that i like... they are all just too plain. i wish they made a rubberized fingergroove version.

ill stick with these for now, but if crimson trace or another company comes out with something like that... then maybe


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my new "tool"

technically, it does fire using gas... but a different kind :D

sorry if i shouldnt post it here... but i figured you guys would want to see it, and maybe replicate it: the perfect pistol.





The only difference is my replication is going to be the desert Warrior, but nice piece just the same. I love the grips! Did you get those straight from Kimber, as I was pricing them on the Kimber website, and for the price, I'd order mine from there.

Can't wait till the wife gets back from BCT/AIT with her pistol permit! That's going to be a good time! But if I know her, she's probably going to want to get a Beretta first, cause that's what she's "using for work". But I think I can convince her that a Kimber is good to own too!

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Very Nice Joe. ;)

I just received my TM MEU. And after about five minutes I have ended up ordering:



PDI JB Comp Set

And a power up set.

Here are som pics of the standard MEU, will post some more when I have finished rebuilding it.


Kenneth :)






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Guessing we will be seeing a review of that then snowman, would be interested to see what you think of it.




Yep, sometime on JP - There's a review in the next issue of AI magazine, currently at the printers.



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