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Well i was a bit unsure about UMPs before, but now they are a new love of mine <3 My DE UMP which has had a ftk and new hopup rubber and bucking fitted, hits around 300fps at 670rpm :D









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Well i was a bit unsure about UMPs before, but now they are a new love of mine <3 My DE UMP which has had a ftk and new hopup rubber and bucking fitted, hits around 300fps at 670rpm :D










Rob if you only get 670rpm at 300fps, you definitely have a place or two in your gun that can be changed in order to raise your performance. I get around 1300 rpm at the same power level with an internal 8.4v battery. What parts do you use, what tweeks have been made and what is your power source?

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Rob if you only get 670rpm at 300fps, you definitely have a place or two in your gun that can be changed in order to raise your performance. I get around 1300 rpm at the same power level with an internal 8.4v battery. What parts do you use, what tweeks have been made and what is your power source?

i'd say what i put in there but i know you'd give me a lecture on how i'm not using custom machined titanium gearsets and nuclear motors etc so i won't bother.


I'm perfectly happy with 670rpm, i could get more out of it but i don't want to because i don't want any high rof AEGs.


Rob, there's something wrong with the rigth hand side of your camera lens!


Fingerprints? :P

Probably, its my sisters old (about 5 years old) camera so its a bit dodgy.

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i'd say what i put in there but i know you'd give me a lecture on how i'm not using custom machined titanium gearsets and nuclear motors etc so i won't bother.


I'm perfectly happy with 670rpm, i could get more out of it but i don't want to because i don't want any high rof AEGs.



Probably, its my sisters old (about 5 years old) camera so its a bit dodgy.


Whats the point of an aeg if it doesnt empty a midcap in 3 seconds drawing less power than one shooting 2 times slower lol

Edited by Azulsky
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i'd say what i put in there but i know you'd give me a lecture on how i'm not using custom machined titanium gearsets and nuclear motors etc so i won't bother.


I'm perfectly happy with 670rpm, i could get more out of it but i don't want to because i don't want any high rof AEGs.


I was not about to give you a lecture, but rather a few hints on what could be done to it in order to raise the performance. I have not done much to my own (not saying that it is in stock conditions) as it is a secondary gun, that I only put a few thousand rounds through each year. But I am a bit curios about what parts and battery you are using, as a ROF of 11,17rps makes me think that something internal might be wrong. I mean, even in stock condition putting out about 300fps it should yield a ROF of about 12-15 rps or 720-900 rpm on a 8.4v battery.


But then again, according to Heckler & Koch the real steel UMP puts out 600-650 rpm, so lets just say that your setup is realistic. If you don't what help you are certainly not going to get it.

Edited by eel one [COE]
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