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AK & Variants Picture Thread

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hi i thought this would be the best place to ask , i have a set of akm hand guards for a aims i have just got and wanted to ask about varnish colour or more to the point what have you guys used ? the top is a different colour to the bottom so i want to sand them back to bear wood and re-varnish them



if this does not make sense sorry just finished a 15hr night shift

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GWS RPK-74 with 1PN58 scope and custom highcap magazine made by Swifty ;)


More images here: http://www.scaar.at/airsoft/rpk.htm


gorgeous! i want one of those kits so badly but my wallet won't allow it. have you filled in the dimples in the reciever or has ting started doing the recievers without now?

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Saiga .308 Custom My baby, still not completely done

All I have time to do and can afford for now:



Hope to get a real scope in the distant future.



G&P AK folding stock, Reciever, Body, Grooved Grip

RS Saiga .308 Handguard milled to fit

Custom Machined Barrel

CYMA forward sight

CYMA scope assembly (part attached to body and the quick release system yadda yadda)

Don't think I missed anything



TM Gearbox Shell

-EG1000 Motor

-Prometheus Triple Torques

-Guarder M150

-FIK Anti-reversal latch

-Systema AK Bore-Up

-Guarder Switch Assembly

-Modified to semi-auto by the all so complicated process with version 3 gearboxes... removed the selector plate.


KM TN tightbore (650 iirc?)

Edited by Mishkan
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