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AK & Variants Picture Thread

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Shroom, you've got the best looking AK's out there (sorry Grim :P )

I'm assuming those are real handguards on the Kalash?

Where did you get them?

Did you have to re-stain them, or did they come like that?



yeah there real handguards, ive been tinkering with em for a while. Keep stripping them and re shellacing them. finally got the right mixture of tint and shellac. those handguards were bare wood yesterday. they came with a nice finish on them but I couldnt help myself. I got em from http://tantal.kalashnikov.guns.ru/ they were ruffly 100bucks.

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This is the newest version from SAMSON.

You wouldn't happen to have a pic of your rail and trades for reference?

as for the rail sitting odd... it may be a optical illusion. Also the feel of this rail is ....how do you say?? Smooth

come out to an Op and I'll Let ya shoot it;)




Really wish Scott would update his site to reflect the changes. I wonder if he smoothed out the rails a bit on the version 2.


Unfortunately the only picture i have of the gun is beyond blurry so i wont bother posting it. No digital camera, only my iphone which takes the worlds WORST indoor pictures.


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Sorry I know you guys hate making AKs tactical (In b4 AK rape) But mine is a PMC based one, can AK mags accept magpuls at all? Ive seen it before just dont know what ones.


With a little work, the 5.56 ones will fit on AK mags.

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Can anyone send high res shots of their AK's to my email? Its phill@coflash.com - I need as many as I can get for a project. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

I sent you a few pics and a link to my photobucket. hope that helps


also check out http://www.red-alliance.net/forum/index.php for some more good stuff

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What.. what did you do to it? x_x




?? Don't know if I should take that as sarcasm or a legitiment question LOL :)


Stronger spring for charging handle, took off wood and put 3 coats of wood garnish/gloss/protective urthane, ingraved Russian Brigrade units and unit numbers on it using a dremel and a nice needle kit, threw away the hi-cap and got some nice STAR mids; those too with some added russian insignias to get the full soviet feel. Shoots 400 with .20s and has a nice Yukon AK strap, then after the battles she has been through she now has some war torn. Oh also with some help from a friend we super heated Guay Guay's damn orange flash hider off so now flash hiders and surpressors can be added on.


Put a lot of time into making her look decent, just bored with her now.

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ingraved Russian Brigrade units and unit numbers on it using a dremel and a nice needle kit

That's what I was talking about. It's.. yeh


Put a lot of time into making her look decent

as long as you think so :unsure:


Shroom, your pb album is pure AK porn *drools*



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I know its a picture thread, but meh, One more question.


Anyone know any Midcaps that feed good for the VFC AIMS? I have STAR 105 rounders and they feed horrible. I have to hold the mag up in the magwell to make it fire. I heard MAG Midcaps are good, and the M4 ones I have are great.


I aslo, what kind of MAG Midcap would be accurate for the AIMS? They have many kinds. First AK, So i want to get stuff right. lol

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VFC AKSU w/ element ribbed hand guards, element pistol grip, dboys solid folding stock, dboys quad stack mag, rs kobra, fake pbs-5 and rs sling.



one more in compact mode

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first ak... VFC PMC with a Doctor sight


Systema gears, CA bevel, sp100 spring, 7mm bearings, TM piston, shooting about 380fps. Gears burnt in so the cycling is smooth and fast on a 9.6, adding mosfet soon.




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