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I think even if I came over to your shop and took a dump in your paint cans you'd still make the stuff look awesome... damn you man! 😛  That blue Glock is on FIRE!  

That was not meant to be interpreted as you make turds look good or your stuff looks like sh*t but me trying to say, you are too good at what you do 😛 

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To start there are three finishes going on here: the Steyr reciever, Steyr mag well and magazine, and the cylinder side plates.

-Steyr receier - 2 coats flat black acrylic epoxy, 2 coats black shellac, rubbed on silver (spray a piece of cloth, let dry, rub on surface), 2 coats clear shellac, 1 coat mahogany shellac (for rust tint), run with scouring pad in 1 direction (don't zig-zag, it WILL show) for the carded look, buff with cloth. If you see uneven spots run the scouring pad on it some more and rebuff. The trick is you have 2 surfaces that the eye picks up: the actual painted object underneath and the scuffed and polished shellac which acts like tiny parallel mirrors picking up the glare and really accenting on those carded marks.


-Steyr mag well - same as above but minus the silver rub and rust tint


-side plates - same as above but minus silver rub, rust tint, and scouring



The reason I went to shellac is that I find clear lacquer to never, ever really dry and it doesn't take well to the scouring process.

Edited by renegadecow
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AOR1 done with Montana 94 and Krylon Sand (base color), using these stencils: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Pack-Digital-Camo-Vinyl-Airbrush-Stencil-Kit-HUGE-24-x-26-Camouflage-/191060724036?hash=item2c7c1b4944


Was not happy with the result. If you pay attention, you'll notice that the pixels are all over the place, while in actual AOR they tend to cluster: areas with a lot of 3rd and/or 4th, and areas which are clean. I have since painted the gun in AOR2 and I am now much happier with it.






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