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Glock Picture Thread

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I wonder why nobody makes some polymer encased Glock mags. I suppose it would result in a very light gun, but it's always annoyed me how people say about their guns needing lots of metal (where metal is found on the RS), but forget that a lot of parts on their replica are metal, but shouldn't be, pistol mags for example.. I know somebody makes polymer Hi Capa mags, but why not plastic exterior Glock magazines etc?

Edited by GlockworkOrange
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And my first attempt at stippling is...not too shabby, as it turns out.

Stock TM frame finally breaks after so many years so this one is quick and dirty to keep down time minimal I didn't even completely knock down the stock texture on front/back straps   This is

My first glock, marui g17 foliage green with the guns modify SAI slide set. Phone picture.  

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My guess is becauswe it would be a complicated (or rather, unecessarily complicated) manufacturing process, encasing an existing metal mould with polymer takes some strange mould forms (I saw it on How It's Made on Discovery! :P ). I doubt they are cheap :o


Secondly, the added layer of polymer, although it might be slim, would take away from the size of the gas reservoir.


So yeah. It could happen, but market demand, and price point, and manufacturing process and price are not supporting it.



Or are you suggesting an all polymer magazine? I would not trust to put gas in that for a second. KABOOMZKI!

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Bought my first Glock, a WE 19. I come from a proud line of 1911's and Browning HP's. This feels...dirty. :(


But a good dirty. Like a first date with the weird tan-framed kinky Austrian chick from down the way.


But seriously. We've established rs sights are a no-no, but what about other rs parts? + 2 extensions? rs slide stops? That sort of thing.


Presuming, you know, my package from Evike actually arrives.

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Like Nonex said, it can be very difficult to take a shot of a Glock that has a reflective coating under bright light conditions that do it proper justice.

I'll eventually get there when I brush up on my photography :rolleyes:

But for now, here are the ones that didn't turn out.


TM Glock 17 (Det/Guar)





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Hey squad, what are the new Guarder frames like to install, I remember the older ones were beautiful and super tuff but didn't fit the best at the back, the screw that held in the hammer assembly was not in line with the screw hole on the frame. Was thinking of a new Glock but was going to wait for a gen 4 frame to appear but might just use either a guns modify frame or the new guarder frame, what do you think squad?

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