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And my first attempt at stippling is...not too shabby, as it turns out.

My first glock, marui g17 foliage green with the guns modify SAI slide set. Phone picture.  

Stock TM frame finally breaks after so many years so this one is quick and dirty to keep down time minimal I didn't even completely knock down the stock texture on front/back straps   This is

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After 2 long months I finally got my OffTheGrid Concepts Holster (G21 + TLR-1 MkIII Outside Waistband w/ Light) for my HK3P G18C and TM G17 (both with TLR-1's). Possibly the best holster I've ever used, and the guys at OTG were very communicative and listened to my requests with good heart. Plus since it was 1 month overdue, they gave me some awesome free patches :)









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Aznriptide859, would you recommend going for a kydex holster made for a G21 (rather than 17) to fit airsoft glock frames? Specifically WE G17?

I have had issues with g17's fitting RS safarilands in the past but nothing a heat gun won't fix. Kydex will likely be different I suspect.

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Aznriptide859, would you recommend going for a kydex holster made for a G21 (rather than 17) to fit airsoft glock frames? Specifically WE G17?

I have had issues with g17's fitting RS safarilands in the past but nothing a heat gun won't fix. Kydex will likely be different I suspect.

OTG has Airsoft Glocks on hand to make sure that you have a perfect fit. Simply tell them the spec of your gun : TM spec or KSC spec. It'll be have better retention with a smoother draw if you tell them the spec of your Airsoft pistol vs telling them you have a RS Glock 21. No other legit kydex holster maker offers this as far as I know. Edited by uscmCorps
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I see two Glocks but only one holster, what gives ? :D


I have been looking around for some nice Kydex holsters and those OTG look nice enough... But, what the heck do I need one for anyways. My guns are fine just laying on the couch :P


Well both have the same gun/light setup - two guns, one holster. :)


Aznriptide859, would you recommend going for a kydex holster made for a G21 (rather than 17) to fit airsoft glock frames? Specifically WE G17?

I have had issues with g17's fitting RS safarilands in the past but nothing a heat gun won't fix. Kydex will likely be different I suspect.


I had mine made for a G21, since from previous measurements the TM G17 is spec'ed more similar to the RS G21 (also, from previous experience, neither my Glocks fit a G17-sized GCode XST holster). I simply guessed the WE G18C was the same; in fact the WE fits a bit more snugly than the TM does.


OTG has Airsoft Glocks on hand to make sure that you have a perfect fit. Simply tell them the spec of your gun : TM spec or KSC spec. It'll be have better retention with a smoother draw if you tell them the spec of your Airsoft pistol vs telling them you have a RS Glock 21. No other legit kydex holster maker offers this as far as I know.


Totally did NOT know this...might have made their job easier LOL. Definitely good info to know should I order more holsters from them :)

Edited by aznriptide859
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Interesting, which colour did you go with?  FDE?  I got my ADR in Coyote and the Kydex has a texture rather than being smooth as yours is.


Purely out of curiosity, if you take the light off your gun do you have to do anything to the holster or does it just work without the light (seeing as you've got the configurable setup there)?

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I went with FDE since it seemed lighter than Coyote. Didn't know about the texture.


I got the Light/NoLight setup, so if I remove the light I just have to install a crossbar where the middle rivet is. Though I might not have needed it, since both my Glocks now have lights lol.

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