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Detonator's Trijicon-looking sight...no Tritium, but glow in the dark(like the stock or Dytac), steel machined....


What shiny lovely outerbarrel is that?



Adding to my previous post, witch fiber optic sights are recomended for the tm g17?



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And my first attempt at stippling is...not too shabby, as it turns out.

Stock TM frame finally breaks after so many years so this one is quick and dirty to keep down time minimal I didn't even completely knock down the stock texture on front/back straps   This is

My first glock, marui g17 foliage green with the guns modify SAI slide set. Phone picture.  

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What shiny lovely outerbarrel is that?



Adding to my previous post, witch fiber optic sights are recomended for the tm g17?



Guarder stainless steel one, came with the slide set.


I am not sure if the FA ones for the G26 will fit...but those are the only ones I know of, aside from attempting to mod a real steel ones...

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Love your Glocks, RM.


Are the Guarder frames significantly better? I thought the TM frame was decent, albeit lacking proper trades.


Also, how do you like the TM G18c? How does it compare to KSC?

Edited by davedawg123
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I didn't like Guarder frame, because I broke the previous version quite easily. But I saw the reinforce version a while back so I thought I give it a go. The trades is the main attraction obviously, and $30 plus shipping is not a big dent in ones' wallet....It is not until I pull the guts out of the TM that I find I am starting to crack the TM frame also, so I guess thats a preventative replacement...


I've never owned a KSC G18, so I have no comparison. The TM one is nice, much like all TM GBB. Not very high on the FPS, but the kick is strong and it is accurate.

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My new toy, a UNC custom KSC Glock 19, bought used. Apparently, it has a KSC metal slide (not liking the finish, very un-glockey.. any tips on how to fix the finish?), HI-Flow valve and a stronger recoil spring. Coming up is more mags, maybe one of those new china made 49-rounders...









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I wish I had a better camera. (Better picts will be provided come Aug. 14th at the Fort Ord Game in Marina, CA)

[sweary pics removed]



Next steps:

improved inner barrel

remove the paint from previous owner and stipple the grip

Two extended mags

Finding a new optic for my AEG...thats gonna be the hard part.

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My Glock sights arrived. Managed to get a FPS test which came out at 256 fps. Thats with a plastic slide and a guarder recoil spring and guide


I bought a G&P slide and barrel set which is going to take a litte work to get it to cycle correctly.


Next on the list is a Madbull Barrel and a hi flow magazine valve.

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K12azy13astard >> just one small question, what is the distance between the trigger and the shoulder?


Is the kit smaller than a P90? (I am guessing yes, but I may be wrong). How is it balanced? Weight on the front? Back?

For the question of distance...I'd guess its about a foot or so between the glock body, to the end of the stock. Though the total package size is about the same for a P90, if you use a Glock 17 magazine. I have three extended mags, so total size isn't good for a Concealed carry or Stealth loadout if you wanted to hide it on your person.


Balance of the completed package is pretty nicely done. It's not front heavy until you add on a Aimpoint or heavier bolt ons (lights, PEQs, etc). My only gripe is that the slide release is a pain to get to. I'm a lefty shooter, so I had to enlarge the area around the mag release (after the pictures below were taken) to make it easier for me to use. I've been contemplating about modding the release with a larger one, or JB welding a small piece of metal or plastic, that has a 90 degree bend in it so I can easily rest my trigger finger on it to charge the gun.


Expect a full review come saturday night or sunday.


Edited pictures (Sorry admin about before!)



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So I have had an itch to get into the GBB racket as of late, and the only pistol that intrigues me is the G17. And though I have been up rather late into the night in my time zone reading up I still would like some additional input.


1) I want the most reliable GBB pistol I can get, but would still like to obtain a metal slide, working with duster or GG what sort of builds are recommended? Though I am tempted to go the absolute K.I.S.S. route and keep it stock with only reinforced parts added for durability.


2) As for importing the glock, is there any preferred source, I have heard of the successful imports through HK dealers but I am a rather big worrier, and was wondering if there are any horror stories of them being stopped and seized by customs (being in the US)? This should be weighed against my only other option, which is a U.S. source with the TM17 customs available new, at the price of about $215, however. Now if I was going to import that model it wouldn't be too over inflated with shipping, but if I was going to import I would probably opt for a normal gen 3 (unless there is something I am missing about the customs, are they different more than aesthetically?) and it is vastly over the cost of a normal gen 3 g17 shipped.


Once again any feedback would be much appreciated, and I apologize for the rather longwinded post, I am rather hesitant to get going with this GBB venture, but my desire for a G17 drives me on.

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