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CADPAT Picture Thread

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Hehe, those pig's look pretty hefty for you guys...makes me wanna take up a support weapon again...




Darn!!!!11 I want your gear from this thread in my closet. You are here like Ferrari guy in Opel Club event.


And wha'?! Hefty? I raise you by one! :D







Thanks man. It's bad choice for autumn and winter here, but in spring and summer it's rock and roll.


OT: Croatia is a beauty, yeah, thanks for noticing. But my dear favorite is of course Suomi land. Nice girls, great hockey team, and I like snow and cold more then summer and sun. The best part is that you have lions heart, you fought the read beast (talvisota kicking a$$) like David against Goliath. Only bad thing is that many things in your national food is just wrong, argh you Scandinavians...


And wild nature, woodland, lakes... it's like paradise to me. I can talk good about Finland all day, but I will stop here ;)



check out our Croatian gear http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/inde...howtopic=174569

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Haha, one o' these days, I'll sort you out a bit ;)


For now, here's my hefty competition, although a bit on the lighter side...




And since I KNOW you will like these ones!



Me and my buddy in our room after a day of weapons classes.



Delta det. dug in and just waiting for a fire mission off a road.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Is anyone able to comment on the quality of BDUs from these people please?


ECAM (ebay)




Oh and as it's a pic thread, my C8 erm... A2 I guess (or SFW).


Cheers :)


The BDU's they have aren't bad, compared to other BDU's...but compared to CF Combats (what we're issued) they're not good :P

If you have no other options, I'd say go for them.


And nice C8, SFW it would be ;) you can read through this thread for an idea of how to build a C8 top to bottom.


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The BDU's they have aren't bad, compared to other BDU's...but compared to CF Combats (what we're issued) they're not good :P

If you have no other options, I'd say go for them.


And nice C8, SFW it would be ;) you can read through this thread for an idea of how to build a C8 top to bottom.



Cheers Lerch.


I would buy issue, but it seems anyone selling them on Ebay are ripping people off with shipping costs :(. I'm happy to pay for quality kit, but I'm not paying more than the kit to get it over here :P.


I know the C8 is a tad naked :D, that pic is from when she was right back from my engineer. Large grip, and EoTech/Elcan are on her now ;).


I may just stick with the BDUs from Flecktarn... Like others in this thread, I'm tall and skinny, so sizing can be a pain - as only 'large' come in a 33" leg :(


Just out of interest, are CF getting the Elcan SPECTRE issued as an update to your Elcans? *crosses fingers* :P

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Uh, not now or anytime soon :P


The only issued sights are the BUIS, EoTech 552 and Elcan C79A2. Alot of guys will go out though and buy their own BUIS or optics, so lots of variety can be found.


Personally I've been using the issued BUIS for awhile, but I'll soon have a DIS for work. :)

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Uh, not now or anytime soon :P


The only issued sights are the BUIS, EoTech 552 and Elcan C79A2. Alot of guys will go out though and buy their own BUIS or optics, so lots of variety can be found.


Personally I've been using the issued BUIS for awhile, but I'll soon have a DIS for work. :)


Cheers for that :)


Now to see how many internal organs I'll have to sell, to obtain a Diemaco BUIS :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Makes me so proud to see my flag flown in other countries :D


Hey Darklite, how do you like the EBB CADPAT combats?


I didn't get them from EBB - I picked them up in Hong Kong when I was over for winter, from a market stall. Works well, but it's slightly more subdued than real CP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice :D


I'll try and snap up some pictures in the next couple weeks for you guys, my battery is deploying to the field for a couple weeks and I forsee alot of gucci kit coming out.


And since I don't post without pics...some guns :D



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m.m, nice ghillie kit :D looks the *suitcase* when used with CADPAT!


Just to add onto my last post about gucci pictures, I just got tasked as the ambulance driver, so I'll have lots of video and pics when I come back now!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lerch, what vehicle does the Canadian Army use to tow the gun? And why is the gun so far out of the camo net and exposed as the sides? Is that standard procedures?



We use the MLVW to tow our light howitzers (C1, C2, C3 105mm and LG1 105mm), and the HLVW to tow our heavier kit (M777 155mm).





As for the cam nets, they were just firing. Normally the cam net would down to the ground in the front with a 4' clearance on the side for entrances (you can almost see the white ropes used to keep the net in place). When you get a fire mission, the loaders run to the front and roll the net up so the gun can be elevated and fired without getting caught on the cam net.

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