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CADPAT Picture Thread

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Hi to all!!


Well, finally i´m going to do a JTF-2 impression, but i have too many doubts about kitlist.


The few thing i know is:



- CADPAT BDU (woodland and desert)



Ok to all this, but:


- What vest could i use for greenside ops? I´ve seen on this thread a HSGI warlord in cadpat.

- JTF-2 uses normal uniforms or RAID type. I´ve found this uniforms:






Any of those one could be right?


- Boots?

- Pistol? i´ll supose on a 6004 or serpa

- Mich 2000? and wich nvg mount?

- A EI AIII Assault Pack could be right?


That´s all.


Thanks for your patience and for your help.



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To be honest, your guess is as good as mine...

There's more pictures of the SAS then there are JTF2.


The only thing I can comment on would be weapons, such as the C8SFW, and P226.


Now, from what I collected off a buddy of mine in the Navy on the west coast, he had a cruise which the JTF and CSOR attended to practice their boarding drills, and from what he saw, they walked on in civvy black casuals. When they geared up, black flightsuits and low-drag MOLLE rigs were the norm.

The CSOR I see around here in garrison dress the same as anyone else save the tan beret.


The Warlord you saw was mine (for sale btw), its not much special, most CF infantry units are pretty relaxed with off-the-shelf kit so long as it 'looks' Canadian ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Not to let this thread die... We also took a walk in the woods a while back. Oldschool compass nav race, safe to say, my section won (cuz we had a human GPS system lol)






And now for something completely different. This is what happens when you group up 150 male Officer Cadets going to a military university and then not let them out during the week....





(My best friend who happens to be an Engineer stud, but does not know how to do the basics of laundry......

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That makes me think of yonder days of BMQ when we'd sling our 2qt canteens :)


When I get my new camera I'll get more pictures up here. Feckin' back on course for the ADATS now, driving the M113's at the moment. We had a ruckmarch this morning with the Arty school BC and BSM and hustled 3k with (for myself anyway) 70lb of kit. My tac's all setup nice, and my ruck is perfect :D

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Bastage! I hate the ruck I got issued, it was falling apart, so I had to cannibalize straps and stuff from a broken one that I picked up super cheap at a surplus store. The douches in supply would not even give me a new one =/


I have ether BOTC/IAP this summer, or if it fill ups (cuz there is not enough room this year), they will send me and all the other AF OCdt's off to ether to be an SJO at some cadet camp, or if they need it, SLT (second language training). SOOOOO gay, I want to get my 11 week stay at the MEGA over with ASAP...

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Yeah, supply tends to be full of cunts when you need something important (ruck, tac, daypack, etc..) but lucky for most of the guys on my course, we got our rucks reissued while we were at Shilo and Pet, so they're in good shape.


Right now I'm in the process of nabbing as many 64 frames as I can, since nobody gave me guff for my 64, the other lads want there's up in a similar fashion :P need more zapstraps!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yep, that I do, although I go to their red headed *bramston pickle* child campus in the french province of Quebec... but only for a month and a half!


Half new stuff I got...


Diemaco Triad and Diemaco BUIS =) (They are for sale BTW... perfect for your C8 look alikes!)






And I just found out that my unit is getting brand spanking new C7A2's... hopefully we get to keep them and take them on course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I got to skip out of class on Friday morning to go to the QM for (brace yourself Ace) the new rucksack :D


Handed in my old shitty ruck and was handed a brand new ruck and compression sack! We had a short lecture on assembly and do's/dont's and left happy. I'll get some pics up soon, I swabbed the inside seams with proofing paste so I'm just waiting for it to dry before packing it.

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RAHHHH!!!!!!! *Emperor Palpatine Voice* "Yessss, let the hate flow freely...."


Well, thats alright actually lol, I just got MARS as a trade, soooooooo I wont be really touching rucksacks for the rest of my career after this summers fun with IAP and BOTC. Got recommended for Boarding Party + Combat Clearance Diver!!!


But still, for funk's sake, I can never get issued anything that is not falling apart... like my helmet is from 1998.... 11 years old? Great =/

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But still, for funk's sake, I can never get issued anything that is not falling apart... like my helmet is from 1998.... 11 years old? Great =/

So is mine, mind you I parted with the issued suspension for pads and I'm now pondering just buying a MICH to use instead :P

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