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Any problems to fit the G&G RAS to the CA Rifle?



It went together fairly easy. I did notice the first time I assembled it that the barrel actually sat too far into the upper (make sense?) after I tightened the barrel nut down. How I noticed this was that when I installed the upper and lower receiver I couldn't slide them together all the way. I used some double sided tape strips to shim the barrel out so the hop-up would seat farther in. It was an easy fix and not a big deal at all. It is extremely solid.

Edited by ZedzDed
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Dark Sandman, exactly what is the 'crayon technique'?

And I agree, Thermold mags are the ######. And I'm not just saying that because I'm originally Canadian...


Crayon Technique = rubbing over trademarks with a white crayon, creating that painted look.


I'm not a fan of it, unless it's done right. :P

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