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Tex's Tactical Fish?

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The setup is pretty expensive, the tank is Acrylic and was custom made and drilled in the back for a sump, I think it ran $600 or so for the tank which is 60g (30Hx30Wx16D). The lights were $800 but were the absolute best thing on the market available, 275watt metal halides with super actinic suppliments. And then $100 for each power head and the return pump for the sump... another $100 for the skimmer and like $300 for the rocks, $200 for the corals and $200 for the fish, so.... like $2300 to start up (but you have to slowly add things to the tank or it will crash the system). But it's very cheap to maintain, (if you don't count the electrical bill) only about $10 a month in water and salt, I really don't want to know how much I spend on electricity though, probably something outrageous. It just takes alot of dedication, can't forget to feed the fish or clean the tank like you can with freshwater.


And thanks, that lionfish is really hard to get pictures of, he's the Dwarf Variety and typically sticks to caves and such so that you can see him but it's always really dark. And then the Hawkfish is a total ham, poses for every picture it seems!

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Arr0wana - I've been into fish for a few years, and I've learned that buying the best quality is the best choice in the long run. Basically my equipment should last me forever, it's almost all got a lifetime warranty on it. Anywho, still have about another thousand or 2 to spend on Corals before the tank is complete.


Ascendance - That they are, my friend was stung by mine! They aren't terribly poisonous, not life threatening or anything, but we had to take him to the ER for the pain.

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