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Has the new foregrip ended the wobble issue Orb? I'd love to get one if that was the case :)


Hi! I don't know what you mean with wooble! The real foregrip is damn stable. It will never broke anymore. You can carry the hole AUG on the grip. No problem.

But the metal part where the AUG grip is located does always wooble a bit.

That's a Marui problem.





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oRb, is that the GBTech KAC sight on the M203 or the G&P one? How does it work? I remember reading that the real deal has like a reflex sight built into it, but is the replica version the same?


Very nice gun BTW! You have great taste. All your guns are much more like replicas than toys.

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Thanks man :)


It's a GBTECH M203 Quadrant Sight!

It's a replica of the real deal! But it comes without the Reddot.

So you will need a replica reddot or the real OPTIMA Reddot.


But on an airsoft the Quadrant Sight is just for the look. So you can't really use it if you want to shoot grenades ^^


But the GBTECH M203 Mount with G&P M203 short and GBTECH M203 Quadrant Sight is for sale! So if you interested let me know.





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The site is an old Bushnell Holosite, a precursor to the current Eotech version. It has the optional armoured cover that was available then, but which is built onto the current military spec Eotechs.



It looks the nuts mate, complementary to the lines of the whole AUG. Sweetness! :D

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definately going to get one when they're released. I used to own an AUG mil and it was easily the nicest AEG I've ever owned, until the usual plague of problems surfaced that the TMs were/are notorious for- the feed issue, the hop up issue, and the mag catch issue.


If CA can solve these (not hard, really- metal hop chamber, metal feed nipple and a tougher mag catch) then the CA AUG will be absolutely superb out of the box.


go aug :)

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Definitely. Rumor has it that it will be released by CA in mid-October. Here are some pics of the prototypes: http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/index.php?m...from=&go=search


Bum, *albartroth*...



Why, oh why, oh why, oh why did they have to go and do another A1 receiver model? Couldn't they do the A2 receiver that has the removable military scope on a weaver rail, or better still the all new, singing and dancing A3 model?


Opportunity lost! Nil points CA.

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i should kick my own *albatross* for this, i must have posted it a good amount of times by now, but i gotta complete this thread







6-24X50mm Scope

First Factory Phantom Kit

7 x TM High Caps

1 x TM Low Cap

Classic Army Bipod w/Bipod Mount

Systema Flat Gears

Systema Metal Bushings

Systema Type-0 Cylinder

Systema Cylinder Head and Piston Head

Systema m120s

Systema Air Nozzle

Sig 550 KM Tight Bore


I might be missing some stuff, but thats most of it

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  • 5 weeks later...

Excellentness. I stuck a walther rds onto my aug last night, mounted on the rear-most point of the rail - looks a bit wierd but helps the balance, and the view a hundred-fold :D

Very sweet indeed, I might even get some piccies up seeing as the old man just got a spanking new pc that can read my digividcam's SD cards now.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

are mag changes fast and easy with a aug because i have never been able to decide on wether to get a aug or not because the way the mag catch is ,it looks pretty hard to change mags quickly! how does the mag release work?

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Push-button immediately behind the mag, I find it hard to change mags quickly on mine to be honest but now at least there's less on the gun to go wrong, seeing as the foregrip snapped off <_<


You gott get good at pushing your thumb up at the right angle and distance from the mag, it would become very easy with a little practice, I'm sure ;) Its hardly rocket science; changing mags :lol:

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