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Lookin' at all these guns i can't help but notice the ones with scope mounts.... I have a G&G RK-103 and I am wondering if anybody here knows (for a fact) that a certain scope mount would work and where I could find it. I would prefer one that did not require me to crank up the Bridgeport but I am not completely against it. Thanks.

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LOL, as a matter of fact, I don't find that girl that hot, either... She's just a model, I don't even know her personally. I think she IS kinda pretty - when cast in the RIGHT kind of shoot for her (this 'feel' is obviously not the right one for her). She's kinda tiny and flat, most photographers cast her in "lolita-ish" roles, she wanted something different, "badass", and, well... those were the results.


And speaking of girls...


better? :D

Edited by jonboy2312
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She need to wear thongs and bit more smiley. :D:P



Girls and guns just don't do it for me....


At least not ugly ones :D (her!)






she's not that hot, like a 5.



I don't know, I'd give her a 7.


But then again, I apparently have lower-than-average standards.  >.>


lol @ impossibly high standards of internet peoples.

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