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FYI Guys, I finally got the review up on my website for the Nitesiters sights. They are really amazing. The key is keeping your eyes acclimated to the dark. If they loose that, you'll notice your sights seem to dim if they haven't been charged in an hour or more. A quick charge with a UV LED works great, and if you've been leaving them out under a light (incandescent or daylight), for 30 min or more, you can count on them to work late into the night. The adhesive works well, and on my USP, you almost can't tell they're not the stock sights during the day!


Here's the full review:


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If there are no indents in the sights to keep them "protected" against rubbing off, will they adhere well enough to not fall off when in use?


I've been looking for something like this for my Desert Eagle in nighttime CQB situations, and there are no markings at all on the sights. On a black handgun, makes it tough to aim in the dark.

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