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Gear Up!


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With all this gear (90% done), I feel like I'm shippin' out with Joe to OKI. Ahhh... the good 'ol days. I'm actually just preparing for a nicely orchestrated overnight game called "Battle for Breedland" somewhere in the Midwest, USA.


How much gear and equipment do you bring to a good game? Do you carry more than a few secondary weapons?















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How come thats more stuff that I pack for a day game but it looks like it packs down smaller :s lol


How about a list of all that stuff, so we know exactly how much you took incase some are thinking the age old question of "what will I need..."

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I have one rifle bag and one small rucksack

Rifle bag: AUG, Hk416 ( w/10 mags loose), belt order with everything that goes on it already on it. BDU trousers/BDU shirt ( as I normally stay at my gfs house the night before I go to a game), boots on my feet. If I'm using my MLE, MLE also goes in the rifle case. Nades and ammo too. Helmet gets strapped to the back of the rifle bag, two pairs of eye pro also in the outer pockets. Batteries go in slit pouch on the outside.

Rucksack: Mags for AUG, charger if need be, anything else.

Boots go on my feet. Fair bit of stuff, but packs down small.

I don't drive, so I'm walking places and on public transport so I've got to carry my stuff effectively.

SgtHanzo, thats *fruitcage* loads. For a weekender, all I did was add water, tent/ponchos and more ammo. And perhaps beer.

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He has a bladder in the MBSS ;)


And id imagine all the guns/radios/ helmets are for different loadouts or, if he feels like changing his role ;)


I take all my Multicam gear, all my guns (small collection) and sleep equip if its a weekender. I try to pack light :)

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I generally travel light depending on the length of event. A basic evening skirmish is one bag:


1. Rifle or shotgun

2. Pistols

3. 4 midcaps and 2 pistol mags

4. Full Face

5. Helmet

6. Multcams

7. Boots

8. Belt rig with holsters

9. Tactical Bra (Chalker sling)

10. Rangers vest with built in molle (two m4 pouches)


If I am marshalling I take only the multicams and some shooting glasses.


For a big event like Longmoor (ambush) I drive so I take pretty much everything and at least two rifles.


For The Ground Zero weekender I pack the car solid!






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I usually carry two luggages. One rifle bag with the appropriate gun (M4 CQBR for CQB and an M4 SPR for woodland) and another sports bag to have all the gear/mags/tools/food/water/ammo in it.


But, I know already that for the Ground Zero Weekender I'll have _everything_ packed plus more to make sure nothing is gonna ruin the game.

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My entire loadout including chest rig and ammo but excluding main and backup rifle would fit in an AIII backpack. :| I'd be sleeping on that backpack too as I wouldn't have any sleeping gear on me. :o


OT: sgtHanzo, Philippine flag FTW! Wish I had one for my loadout!

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He has a bladder in the MBSS ;)


And id imagine all the guns/radios/ helmets are for different loadouts or, if he feels like changing his role ;)


I take all my Multicam gear, all my guns (small collection) and sleep equip if its a weekender. I try to pack light :)


Where is this MBSS you speak of? HSGI all the way :wub:

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Why so much stuff for an overnight game?


At the moment I take (for a single day game):

1 Rifle, 8-12 standard mags

1 Pistol, 3 mags (if I've got gas to hand... which I don't at the moment)



Combats, boots, kneepads, gloves, eye protection

Radios, if they're charged (normally 1 and 1 spare).

Soft armour carrier, plate carrier

3-day pack with my first aid kit in (trained first aider) and a camelback or water in there too.


For a weekend event (2-4 games over 2 or 3 days)

I'll add a second rifle, various bits of spare kit

Somewhere to sleep (tent), sleeping bag, food, something to cook with, hunting knife


For a long event (overnight/24 hours or whatever)

I'll cut out the tent from the sleeping kit but make sure I've got something suitable for making a shelter.


Simple really, and easy enough to pack or wear to a game. No real public transport links to the sites I play at so its all shoved in the back of a car.


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i'd prolly take for an overnight game:


rifle, batteries, BB's and tools all in the rifle bag.


Grad-2 assault vest with assault pack fully loaded with mags and whatnot.


small backpack


i'd wear my bdu's to site and have some spares in the small backpack. also i'd take my gorka and a jumper if its cold.

water and rations/mess kit in assault pack along with medical supplies and i'm pretty much done.


the lighter i am the longer i can game also i have to think about travel and how to get all my kit to the gamesite.

for a longer event i'd say an extra pair of bdu's and oviously underwear and a basha and bivvi bag with sleeping bag.

and extra food/ammo and water.

other then that nothing else is needed.



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I'm glad that there's this level of inquiry/feedback around what gear/equipment one would actually bring to a game (overnight, 2-day or otherwise).


For those who question the amount of gear displayed, the quick answer is that "no," I don't lug all of them G&E to a firefight. Most will be retained at Base Camp, some will be dropped off at the designated Forward Operating Base (FOB).


The most I would take include:

- HSGI Weesatch with MAP

- Water in hydration bladder, extra water in canteen

- Fully loaded mags

- Energy bars

- First-Aid kit

- Extra ammo / dump pouch

- A standard battle rifle (M4 or M16 A4)

- Switch to a night-time configured battle rifle (ACOG and NOD)

- Tracer mags

- A pistol with (3) mags

- Knee pads, essential tools


The other weapons are reserved mainly for the different scenarios which may be at play; or as a "loaner" to a team member whose primary weapon might have broken down.





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Not done any weekenders *yet* so can't really comment but for a typical day's gaming, I tend to take:

the shottie

2 AEGs

2 desert eagles if I have gas

mags for everything

some sort of load-bearing webbing or chestrig depending on what I plan to use as my main for the day (rest is generally backup incase something fails)

3lt Camelbak

couple of bottles of extra water in the car


firstaid kit

spare battery


possibly radios depending who I am playing with

spare eye protection



spare clothes



Most stays at the safezone/in the car tbh but I don't want to take only one gun, drive 150 miles and for it to die straight away. If I am getting up at silly o'clock in the morning and driving all that way, I want to play all bloody day and get my money's worth.

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Off topic hanzo but your gear and guns always look "above and beyond" excellent, its the only way i can say it.


Also thank you for that pic as well...i need to start gettign ready for Irene next year

PHysical wise im fine im running two miles daily currently, and thats going to increase...as well as pushups, craucnhs, situps, and scissor kicks.


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I wish I had that much gear


normally i take:

-PC with 8x M4 ammo pouches, dump puch, and a hydration carrier


-MICH helmet with USMC googles

-CA M4 with ACOG

-soon to be UTG M3 Shotgun as a sidearm


-musette bag with camping supplies, extra socks, and food (this normally stays at base camp)


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I bring:


* Double Gun case with any two: AKM, M4, M14

* Depending on weapon, 11 M4 mags, 8 AK mags(when I get them), 2 M14 mags (def. need more)

* Guarder Weestatch, 1000 speedloader,killrag, multitool, knife, paracord, ball point pen, sharpie, E. tape, occasionly some home brew "nades".

* USGI ALICE Belt w/ speedloader, canteen, dump pouch

* Chicom Chest Rig for when I want to move fast

* Woodland BDU's or ACU's

* Hiking shoes or boots

* Mechanix Gloves

* ALICE Ruck w/ spare batts, charger, extra eye protection, watch cap, tools, Silicone spray and LockTite, dry socks, Civi clothes if going somewhere during skirmish, 5000 .2's and .25's, rags, food, Gatorade, and other neccesary itmes.

* G&P OEF Goggles and Boonie


That's about it I guess


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This was all my gear for a weekender we did last year:







As with Hanzo, most of this stuff stays in the car or at base camp, but when you are out for the entire weekend, you hate to get caught without backups for almost everything...



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On that M4 Carbine do you have it rigged where the battery goes in the fore-arm, like the RIS pops off revealing a spot for a battery?


If so I am looking for an RIS fore-arm that can hold a battery. I want to stick with the collapsable stock but dont want a PEQ or a Ready Mag.


Sorry if its off topic.

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Some A.R.M.S SIR replicas allow you to install a mini-type battery in the bottom part of the assembily. The tm S-system did this, although I do not know offhand which other models (Samurai, ICS, CA) do. May be a good idea to ask the dude what version he has on his gun.


If you want to install a battery in a standard KAC ris / ras system, then the only option is the now out of production Mosquito Moulds version, which held a 8.4v mini.


The stock tube I have is closed up. A crane stock is my option as of now but I notice no crane stock on his weapon and was wondering how he accomplished it without one.


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Mosquito molds RIS holds mini type battery.... very smexual. Yet very funkin expensive but if your stupid enough... get one, i strongly advise it.




Right a little more back on topic, when i was at the UK Ground Zero national Airsoft weekend event last year, i have the hat to prove it :D

I took:


1 rifle.

1 set of Marpats

1 Pair of Boots.

1 assault vest.

12 lo-cap mags.


a canteen of water.

and plenty of victory smokes.


NOW! what i learned was. buy a cammelbak (which i did) the weekend was ridiculously hot and dehydration really has negative effects on game play.

Keep your loadout light, you will end up ditching most of it by the second day.

lots an lots of ammo, batteries and a pistol will be required.


Until you've been to a long weekend event You will never be properly prepared. i certainly wasn't but i am most certainly for this year.


Lots of Wuv


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