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Airsoft in inclement weather

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Well, we don't often get snow here in the UK that sticks around long enough to go airsofting in it (at least in the central and southern reaches of the country).


But if you want truly *suitcasey* weather for airsofting, just go to Wales. Every time I've been there its absolutely ###### it down. Here's a couple of shots from Phoenix Rising II to make the point:



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I like these pictures.. I have question though, how do you guys keep you batteries warm enough to keep playing and how do you guys prevent your gearboxes from cracking?


Problem in cold aint the cracking of gearbox (played many times in -15 to -25c temperatures with many different aegs) but that your hopup bucking freezes and bbs cant pass through hopup-unit. Allmost all ACM buckings do that, "quality" buckings like systema and stock tokyo marui goes to lower temps. (mine marui bucking froze at -24 but problem was remnants of silicone oil in it)


Just have to get more batteries or you just get carloader and own a car ;)


Basic rule is that you shouldnt take your weapon to warm place for short periods of time (time between the game and you have warm offgame (example)

because water condensates to your gun and when you go back to coldness it freezes. Lesson learned from real guns.



Cold aint the problem but moving in waist deep snow is. (have some experiences from it because just had one year holiday in finnish defence force)


Hopes this helps a bit, sry for bad english.




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