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AK & Variants Picture Thread

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I know the 74 didn't use the 7.62 calibre but it's a picture request :)


I hope you know that we all hate you.


On a more serious note, if you had the right flash hider, the '74 could be considered a "Khyber Pass '74u", I suppose. I think it looks awesome!

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put a smooth top cover on the top pic and its an AKMSU, except for the flash-hider which is too short, BUT change it for an AK soundhog And change the pistol grips colour to black, and its a Bulgarian AR-SF(or is it SF-AR? I always get it the wrong way around)

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Hey guys i havent posted lately, heres my problem



On the GHK aks74u the selector is being very weird everything else on the rifle is going perfect. this is whats happening so when i put it in semi and rack the bolt back it shoots in full auto and you know when you pull the bolt back and the hammer is still down its not supposed to go back into safe? well it is and its letting me put the hammer back up when i pull the trigger in safe its just all backwards and messed up? anyone want to help me or know how to fix this?

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Nah, it could just be called a modded SLR-107UR ;)

You, my freind, know too much about AK's. Nah, I wish I knew as much as you... I know the basics: Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Chinese, Polish, etc. but you seem to know a lot about the civillian versions as well (which is what I am guessing the SLR is). Thank you for showing me that though, now I have a legit excuse for an AKMsu wit side folding stock if I should ever decide to get one (Khyber Pass would work too but some people don't like that).

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put a smooth top cover on the top pic and its an AKMSU, except for the flash-hider which is too short, BUT change it for an AK soundhog And change the pistol grips colour to black, and its a Bulgarian AR-SF(or is it SF-AR? I always get it the wrong way around)


pretty sure the AKMSU had a ribbed reciever cover like an AKM (or AK74 variant). eitherway, it was a custom job rather than a factory produced model IIRC, so technically any significantly shortened AKM could be called an AKMSU

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You, my freind, know too much about AK's. Nah, I wish I knew as much as you... I know the basics: Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Chinese, Polish, etc. but you seem to know a lot about the civillian versions as well (which is what I am guessing the SLR is). Thank you for showing me that though, now I have a legit excuse for an AKMsu wit side folding stock if I should ever decide to get one (Khyber Pass would work too but some people don't like that).


Well yeah, i'm a bit of a geek aren't i :D


The only problem with making a gun like that, and calling it an Arsenal SLR-107UR, is the lack of trademarks, Arsenal's have a lot of text ingraved on the left side of the reciver, and it would probably cost a fair bit to have thouse made.

But Khyberpass recivers are becoming fairly popular, a few American companies make them now, either as a finished product, or needing assembly and an origional front trunion and stock to complete it.


So, a real gun looking like this is not impossible, the parts to make them do exist, its just.. an unlikely combination since AKMSU's are quite rare, and anyone lucky enough to own one would probably not modify it ;)


pretty sure the AKMSU had a ribbed reciever cover like an AKM (or AK74 variant). eitherway, it was a custom job rather than a factory produced model IIRC, so technically any significantly shortened AKM could be called an AKMSU


AKM's and their variants all used the ribbed covers.

And yes, technically, a shortened AKM with folding stock can be called an AKMSU, as all the letters are descriptors (the whole thing meaning "Kalashnikov's Assaultrifle Modernized with folding stock shortened"), its not so much a name as a technical description of the weapon.


Still, i'm sure you would find some people out there who would take offense to calling it an AKMSU, so maybe just calling it a "Khyber-AKMSU" or "Modded-AKMSU" is the safer choice.


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GHK GBB ak74s based on VFC

with RS handguards and pistolgrip





How's the recoil on those GHK kits? I'm very tempted as I like the concept, but not having fired any of the newer GBB rifles, I'm a bit worried it'll be expensive yet anticlimactic.

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well compared to a WE m4 its WEAK but its not bad at all

i like it...but dunno how to compare it to other stuff...its like a marui 1911 on green or so...maybe bit harder..


and btw i cheated on the mag..its an aeg mag :P

the GHK mag would be very hard to convert to RS shell

its not impossible but lot of work <_<

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Hey, if Vince with Slapchop can make a pile of tuna fish salad sparkle, you can make an AKSU sparkle. I actually thought the effect was pretty cool.


I think the Bulgarians have a 7.62 AKSU, but I think it uses an underfolding stock and a milled receiver. I always thought that would be a fun airsoft project.

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