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9.6v powered dual mosfeted SIG 550
















Although, im selling her, as i don't see myself useing her at CPX ( field in Chicago IL) or any other.


Mainly because the amount of $ needed to make her shoot as good as my M4 or my Sl-8 is way to much

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Although, im selling her, as i don't see myself useing her at CPX ( field in Chicago IL) or any other.


Mainly because the amount of $ needed to make her shoot as good as my M4 or my Sl-8 is way to much



I can't believe you're seelling that, it's a work of art!


If i was in the states (and had money) I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

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Why thank You :D, It took awhile to take off every piece, sand it, spray 3 coats, clearcoat, and hand paint those little details, IMO looks better then just spraying krylon everywhere.


But i cant see me skirmishing it, i do alot of rolls and dives into stuff. The plastic might not take the abuse that i throw on my M15. Even though this is more of a sniper. Oh-well, she was fun


Hopfully my next paint project will be multi-cam on the SL8( would take a week or so, the way i want to do it) :blink:

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But i cant see me skirmishing it, i do alot of rolls and dives into stuff. The plastic might not take the abuse that i throw on my M15. Even though this is more of a sniper. Oh-well, she was fun




I know what you mean, I normally throw myself around quite alot when I use my P90 as it's solid. But always worry over the 551 when I take it out lol

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Right, I'm gona apologize in advance for this... but I ahve here some pics of the shiny sig from airsoftscotland... yeah, I know :D Hardly counts


But I feel i may as well add it - there's a fair few internal pics too, so you can see what's going on. Just for those who are interested, really! Most are self explanitory, but I'll add a few comments just to make sure...



Looks okay(ish) from a distance...



I tried to paint it black (obviously) but the REALY cheap plastic kinda hindered me, paint didn't stick too well.



Component parts



Slide Internals



Frame internals



As Above With mag



As above, different Angle



Slide internals Again



Holding it...



Close-up of the valve button on the mag




Comments are quite welcome, even if they are along the lines of "Burn it and get it out of this thread" ;)


I will say that for the price (£35 before postage!) it's damned good. It can't really touch a proper GBB, but for the price it's hard to complain. It's a fully working GBB that's reasonably accurate at pistol ranges, fairly powerful, and has a decent ammount of poke :D


For the price, not too shabby ;)

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HFC P226 has been released on RedWolf:




If its as good as their M190 series, with the addition of an adjustable hop up (the only thing that let their M190's down IMO) this could be a very effective, full metal skirmishable side arm. Especially as it is ~$20 cheaper than KJW's offering and HFC has much better QC and lower lemon rates.


I've emailed RW to see if it is a rebranded KJW (would be suprised if it is). If it isn't i will be very tempted to get it and do a comparison with the TM.

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Propped up on a surplus ammo box (2x SAW belt box size).




Close-up of the front.


Nothing special. The only things I've done to it are painting the front night sight, taking off that annoying bottom rail, and attaching a CA LR 300 flash hider.

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I need a little bit of help if someone could spare the time. I figured that this picture thread was the best place for this question since there is extensive discussion about various metal kits for P226's.


I just bought a TM P226 off of e-bay with what was advertised as a Prime metal kit. After receiving it and finding a plethora of unmentioned problems I started to look closely at the actual frame and realized that it doesn't look like a Prime frame (the finish is awful and there are seem lines in the metal which means that it wasn't made by any CNC machine I have ever heard of). With some quick research my guess is that it is a Action kit because WGC's picture of that kit showed the false screw above the trigger in the vertical position which is where the fake screw is on the frame in question).


What I need help with is confirming for sure that this is an Action frame. The most obvious telltales are the false screw above the trigger being in the vertical position on the right side of the gun and the number 050818 under the take down lever on the right side of the gun.


Conformation from an Action owner that this is indeed an Action kit would be really appreciated.


I will do my best to post some pictures later to aid in identification but until then if there is any other info that I can give out to help in the I.D. let me know.


Thanks for you help in advance.



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