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No longer being part of a specific team, and having a love of the film "Dog Soldiers", I got bored and decided to do a variant on the unit patch from the film for my own purposes. Here's the design:



The differences between this and the film one are: The eye shapes have been added (just lines in the film patch), and the dagger has been put the correct military way round (blade up, not down as seen on the film patch). As I haven't worn anything on rank slides before, I decided to see if this could be made up as one, so that I'd have something to wear at skirmishes. After a little searching on t'internet, I came across a great company who've knocked out this sample in under 5 mins!



Desert DPM with black thread, as I'll be using a dessie loadout at the next game I go to, and the black thread just makes it pop that bit more. I've ordered a pair of these, one with my name below the logo, and one without. Hopefully a few of the lads I tend to team up with will like these, and we can get a few out on the field.


Thoughts/questions welcomed!

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We made new versions of our patches and insignias:



Hostile Operations Team main patche.

We use it allways in travelling for games and Safe-zones.




Then we made Tan and OD versions to use in Arid and forest games. We use Desert 3 collors and french CCEF BDU's.







Also we made custom portuguese flags on collors, Tan and OD.





After we made our ODA069 squad patche.





In our team we decide to make a metal insignia:





Me, i'm crazy so, made a permanet one...




Finnaly, we mad our new flag with a new insignia:






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I'm amazed STUNTMAN, you take it to a new level :blink:


I'm one of the Hostile Ops Team founder.

I play there since the very 1st day... and it passed 8 years... so H.O.T. it's mine to the rest of my live.

We're a big family, real friends... so... when one day i quit airsoft, when i got 95 years old, i'll still remember my team.


:D :D :D :D :D

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