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I resurrect this thread to post a WE Apache, to which I fit a surplus German SEF trigger housing and original slimline handguard with no modification to the airsoft parts and a lot of swearing and Dre

It was missing something. That deficiency has been rectified.

Gave mine a little run down, wasn't going for a used and abused look, just a LOT of used.  

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  • 4 months later...

A custom KWA GBB VZ61 ive made with real stock, pistol grip and grip screw.

Also since there is not metal kits for this, i did a custom paintjob to look like weathered metal.




Edited by GRIM!
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  • 2 months later...

Yes, I meant A&K. Sometimes I get A&K and JG mixed up in my head.


Where can we learn more about this mystery vector?


Edit: I found your Reddit post and I guess not. I guess I could just email KIC and see what they know.

I have a feeling you'd be able to find out who made it by taking it apart, but I don't blame you for not wanting to.


Edit: I emailed KIC, well see if they know anything and are open to talking about it.

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I got en email back from KIC and the didn't tell me anything about it. They didn't say they didn't know anything about it, and only said they have the Krytac available. and their price is exactly the same as it is in the us, so I think they probably can't really even sell this mystery vector openly in Taiwan.

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  • 2 months later...

My girlfriend wanted a wood kit on an MP5.
My girlfriend got a wood kit on an MP5.
The foregrip modification was quite extensive but it's rock solid now. The new CA MP5s use a faux bolt that opens when you cock the gun, which lets them use an AK style hop up unit which is MILES ahead of the old TM style unit, but for some silly reason they kept the mountings on the cocking tube for the old MP5 hop unit in case you wanted to use a shittier hop up. Said mountings required grinding off as they interfere substantially with the fit of the wood foregrip.
Internally, it's one of the new CA MP5s, so it came with a 9mm QSC gearbox with a bore up kit as standard, Deans connectors with a mosfet included.
Bore up kit was overkill for a 229mm inner barrel and the mosfet was ok but wouldn't fit well in the wood stock.

In the end, I redid the wiring to leave a deans connector in the front, hidden under the cocking tube, with a 3034 based MOSFET in the back behind the gearbox, so if she wants to switch back to the flashlight foregrip and sliding stock for CQB games, all she needs to do is push out two pins, take the stock and grip off, switch the power connectors in the rear to the front wiring, then pop the sliding stock and foregrip on.
Lonex 6.03mm tightbore, flat hopped, m-nub installed, Lonex cylinder head, piston head, CYMA FMR piston with AOE adjustment, SHS 13:1 gears short-stroked by 3 teeth, M120 spring, SHS Neo 16tpa motor. On a 11.1v stick that fits in the stock, it does 1.1J @ 33-35rps and can fling a 0.28g bb out to 60m.
And, as is traditional with all the guns I build for other people, the first game day it gets taken out, she shot me with it, right in the throat at 50m. -_-

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