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Shotgun Picture Thread

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Wastelander- a gas-operated, semi-auto APS shell shotgun feeding from Saiga magazines, and with interchangeable barrel length. Full build log here.      

Couldn't be happier right now.

Build log is over in Project Suggestions if anyone's interested.  

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My to-be Door Breaching Shotgun:


Idea: make a decent shotgun, into something worthwhile and easily transferable to a different shotgun if the current one finally breaks.


Base: TSD M500 Shotgun ($40)


Two G36 rails ($5 and One donated from tommyknocker2121, yet to have to install)

PVC Connector ($3 Breaching Flashhider, waiting to be mounted and painted)

Generic Vertial Grip (Traded for a can of Monster)

Expoxy 5 Minute Set Glue ($4)


To-Do List:

Get the second needed G36 rail, and get it mounted onto the top of the receiver.

Paint it over in flatblack to cover sanding and filing areas.

Paint and mount Breaching Muzzle to the tip.

Paint and mount G&P Aimpoint.

Test/play with the gun sunday


Total: $52

Time: 3 Hours So far



So Far (Forgive the Myspace like picts, I'll have better pictures when its completed)





Edited by K12azy13astard
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My current Shotguns (top to bottom)


~ACM M500 6mm with pistol grip and removed sights

~Airsoft Surgeon M1100 Police Special

~Maruzen M870 with heat sheild, extended shell tube, and co2 adapter



Sorry for the cell phone pic


EDIT: Heres better pics of two of them








Edited by airsofter0866
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Damn I want a heatshield on my 870...but I have the folding stock version so it wont fit right?


Also where can i get a cheap nylon side saddle for shells?


Try looking at cheaperthandirt.com for shell holders. Im not sure if it will fit with a folding stock or not, I dont think it will but im not sure.


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Sheriff SPAS-12





Released around 1991. Came with 1 of 2 engines. Full auto and 3 round burst "Real". Engine inside the gun is a "Real". Engine pictured above is a spare, unknown type.

Weighs in around 10lbs and its 47.5" long, stock fully extended.

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I still have yet to make it fire.. The engine cycles, but it just expels air.

Yesterday I tore it apart.. Here's an inside look:

Front Assembly:




The problem:


That part above is where the mag inserts, connecting it to the BV engine. So the jam is removed but I had to let some parts cure overnight.

Should be up and running today.


Two flaws I see so far, that piece above being plastic and the two clear 4mm hoses on the BV. Its hard to keep them from crimping.


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