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Its very very hard to make that type of photography exciting...Look at the difference from beaverun pictures (which i am very limited to composition due to there only being 2 areas you can take pics which both suck), and then look at Mid Ohio pictures, which I had the whole track.


So its very hard to make the pictures interesting at beaverun.


And I had to check your facebook to see who you were :P Haha rossssyy <3


I am always on msn, been busy hanging out with friends though and stuff.

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the D40 is great, I'm going to sell mine soon, to trade up for the D90. I heard that the D90 incorporates many of the same features as the D300, with the body besides the video capabilities. being one of the only differences plastic vs. metal

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The d40 is my first slr :)


My priorities so far have been to get lenses before a 2nd body, so as of now I have a complete lens list that fits every type of shooting I need..So my next purchase was a d90..but then I got into videography and purchased a very nice camcorder....and put $400 into stuff for the camcorder..


So I have $0 for the d90 :) But eventually I will get it.

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I was in the same sort of dilemma, lens or the body? The lens I wanted to get is the new 85mm "micro lens" because I really enjoy taking macro shots, however the lens was worth more than my camera body, so i thought, what the heck, sell the D40 and get a better body, then get a better lens. Chris, any opinion on the 18-105mm VR lens? I've also considered that as a go to all purpose lens as a potential buy.

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Well I researched for a long time, talked to lots of professionals, and went the lens route because the lenses are the most important part of the kit.


One of my lenses was $850. On a $400ish Nikon D40 body.



There isnt really any amazing "all purpose lenses" besides the 24-70 f2.8...but thats $2k and not really a all purpose lens.

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Not really the cheapest body haha, The best body that fits your needs.

That would be the cheapest for most people...


First time DSLR buyers have no idea what and why they need (if they need it at all). Since bodies lose value a lot faster than lens, beginners should get the cheapest body. Without the proper skills and lens, they will take the same badly focused and composed pics even with a $6000 eos 1Ds mk3.

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Some people do sports and need higher end cameras though which would not always be the cheapest body possible. But then again for a good telephoto they are around $1000. So most first time slr users wont wanna even spend $1400 on just a sports setup.


If your doing landscape then a d40/rebel xti are more then enough, I love mine.

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