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We are not alone....


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I have always been sceptical about 'UFOs', until a week ago when I saw a very strange, bright ball in the sky at 11am last Sunday on an overcast, cloudy and generally gloomy day in southern Sussex. It was stationary for 20-30 seconds over some trees, about 400 metres away, then it sank, then switched off. Silent and without a trace. I am not saying it 'was aliens' just that as a seasoned airshow regular/news report watcher/stone-cold sober lecturer it was certainly something I've never seen before and can't explain.


This turbine incident is for me, weird but almost certainly a freak accident of a terrestrial nature.


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a Ha'tak would do alot more damage than just a wind turbine!!


Either a collision by an F302 / Death Glider, or a shot from a glider.




Apophis was drunk and crashed on earth when he was chased by gliders of Sokar :S



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You'd think that an advanced civilisation with the technology to potter around the universe would be able to steer.

Tentacles eh? And odly not a japanese school girl in sight...

navigation system for aliens=fail......



Now we can blame UFOs all we want. But I think we all know that somewhere in a Lincoln there is a student waking up about now from a 24 hour bender to notice a crumpled propeler blade half draged into his room, with no memory of how it got there.

I'm pretty sure it was a bet from ET, or they abducted him.

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