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haha I'm truly contemplating it! I mean yes they do have buyer protection, so I'm pretty well covered. Plus in the description it says brand new never opened. Also I read a little further into their buyer protection and if the item is not as described I can get up to 3x back what I originally paid for! Yes seems too good to be true but I mean, regardless if it isn't what it seems I can always get a refund. I'm just waiting for my tax return to  go ahead and buy them!

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question...does anyone else find this too good to be true??





I certainly do, especially since I'd have to wonder how the tubes ended up in China in the first place. Defender tubes are ITAR restricted.


But *suitcase*, if you buy some and they work even a bit better than a Gen 2, let me know and I'm next in line to buy.

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FMA's OpsCore Maritime M/L
Emerson L2G05 Mount
NightEvolution MPLS2
Element Manta Strobe (lost a side button so I just covered it with velcro)
Chinese PVS 15's
Maptaq Qcamz Eco

Still needs a paintjob + dusting the 15's and adding some green leds to them, might add a counter weight along the way, but I think it's pretty much done.



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Which ones? But no... definitely not spending 800 from a china supplier lol. Just the cheap pvs's on ebairsoft which I forgot what brand they were. I did find a copy of the 14's on alibaba for around 300 or so (can't remember exactly the price) but the brand was "Canis Latranis" or something like that. I would love to buy a set just to try them out, but the scam risk is high without paypal. 

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Ops core Fast Seal type

Changed the inside padding to Skydex ones

Princeton Tec MPS light

IR Strobe

Real Ops core Vas shroud

US GI Rhino arm

Armasight PVS14 Gen3


All i need is EOG counterweight and i am done!

Might get a wilcox nvg arm instead..??


Edited by Siavash
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So I need some advice.


Picked up a project IBH off a facebook airsoft group that shall go unnamed and I'm looking to do some major work on. It's pretty much just the shell.


I want to build something respectable for under 450 or so bucks using mostly repro stuff if I can. Going for functionality over looks mostly.


What would you guys recommend?

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