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G&P GBB M4A1 family

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Many of the WA rifle failures have been due to user error, but if you scratch build a rifle say from an AGM m4 base; you'll soon realize the finickiness of the WA design. Buy a premade rifle and most

GoldenBall .3's are very good.

Yep, they will fit.  

I'm having problem with a Prowin v1 mag, my hammer does not seem to hit the gas vavle hard enough and only a little gas comes and the bolt only moves 1/4 of the full cycle... :(

dunno if it's the mags or the hammer...

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I know with Ino's you need a stiffer hammer spring to knock a Pro-win valve; A friend of mine has 5, and when brand new they worked fine in my WOC and his; However, recently they've started suffering BB sticking issues with Blaster .3's and are proving a right pain. They have stayed gas tight though.


From my own personal experience, I'd put it like so;


G&P Pmags (Flawless)

Pro-win V2's (Might need minor work)

G&P V2 Stanags (So far perfect, not early enough to say though)


They're the only mags I've dealt with myself, so I won't comment on others.

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Yeah, I got a Prowin V1 with the gun, when I get my next paycheck I'll get some G&P Pmags (since my G&P woc has G&P parts (duh)) and since I don't know anyone else close by with a WA system in my area, i'll just gonna have to wait.

However I'm getting a 130% hammer spring and bearing hammer.


Felt like the prowin mag just didn't work good with my m4, the (mag had to be filed on the bolt catch thing to work) and such.

When I'll get my Pmags (in a month or so) I can report on performance.


BTW Hwagan, what bbs are you using in your gun?

Edited by Robinio
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Like John said, I run .3 blaster's in mine, nothing else. Saying that, I'm convinced Blaster have changed their factory or something, because I keep finding soap bar BB's (The ones that look like they've been squished like loads of old bars of soap) in my bottles.


Anyone got any recommendations for .3's?


And John, for the rounds you fire it's definitely worth giving it a try, for me at least they've been a pretty drastic improvement.

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