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Pictures of your Plate Carriers

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My AWS OCPC is above (but I got some new pics of it so I'll post them up anyways), that is now loaded up with my level IV plates and used more for real life/work stuff. I recently acquired a Flyye 609

A homebrew mod, I was trying to get proper tubes from a Scandinavian supplier but these started appearing on ebay. Nowadays you can buy FMA/TMC cummerbund with them fitted. I did a little write up

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I have not tried holstering my pistol in a CPC like that, but I have tried it in my LBT-6094a or an RRV in a similar position. It's definitely not the best draw, but it is not absolutely awful. Often, I found it to be a relatively comfortable way to carry a sidearm without being able to quickly draw it, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a sidearm in times of dire need. Personally, I find that holstering my sidearm on my belt in a SafariLand 6004 holster with a UBL drop-leg mount makes it a comfortable and quickly accessible solution.

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Due to the increased circumference added by wearing a plate carrier should make it difficult to use a cross-draw style holster position. Generally, I don't like wearing a holster because it is so often conflicting with my other gear, but now that I use the aforementioned SafariLand 6004 on a UBL mount, it does not feel uncomfortable to wear it. Most of the time I do not use a sidearm but when I do, I like to make sure that I can draw it without any problems. 


When I had a SEPRA holster with a MOLLE mount, I put it in the same position as the handgun in FrogFish's picture, however, it was on the outside of the cummerbund. That position added enough space between my body and the gun to be able to draw it fairly easily. Ultimately, it was not a holster position that I was comfortable with. 

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@GhostWolf - FYI, the UBL is a belt mount that drops the holster down a few inches, it is not a drop leg system (though some people will add a strap for added stability).  Its a comfy ride/draw height, but I've found that it is less comfortable while riding in vehicles (as compared to a standard holster on the belt or a drop leg).

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+1 on the UBL.  Best way to run something like a 6004 imo.




+1 on this method, instead I use a webbing with triglide which comes with a Guarder 3 day pack, cut out a hole and melt the felt with fire and directly screwed between UBL and the MLS mount.


I was not using the original 6004 strap because that thing is fruitcage expensive ( yes the strap ) and I would like to able to use the original harness configuration if I need to.

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My rig for all of the BB Warz I am involved in.  :domokun:




Mayflower APC

BFG 10-Speed

T3 Kangaroo Pouch Insert

Flyye MBITR pouch

Esstac KYWI Single Magazine Pouch

Pantac Dump Pouch

Eagle Industries Grenade Pouch (keep my kill rag safe!)

Source ILPS Bladder stored in the back plate pocket

Flyye Yote (for snacks! Lots of snacks!)

Edited by Gigueand
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