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Just starting driving.


Might be buying my mates 1972 VW Beetle.


Then hopfully making it look like a Beetle GTV (but not run like one, insurance is ridiculous)


Basically this : http://www.1302super.com/72gtv_l_side.jpg but in black.


Or if i can fund insurance costs, a VW Golf MK.II.. or even a MK.I *droools*

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Thank you; I can't wait to get my hands on the 2006 R-1s!


Yeah, I am hoping to buy one of the '05 Buell Firebolt XBR12s. Should be able to afford one by the time I turn 18. I mean, look at the thing:



Its beautiful, and fast to boot. Comparable to a Ducatti in the looks department, if not in other places.

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Just starting driving.


Might be buying my mates 1972 VW Beetle.


Then hopfully making it look like a Beetle GTV (but not run like one, insurance is ridiculous)


Basically this : http://www.1302super.com/72gtv_l_side.jpg but in black.


Or if i can fund insurance costs, a VW Golf MK.II.. or even a MK.I *droools*


i didnt know VW beetles lasted that long. from what i have heard (my father, maybe not a reliable source??), they did not have the best reliability, and they were very awkward to perform maintenance on. or maybee his was just a POS. :P


BTW. VW golf’s are sweet! do you guys get the same ones as we do in the U.S.?? show pics! :D


my advice is, what ever kind of car you get, get it in stick. it is a little hard to learn on, but it is a blast to drive once you master it. :)

Edited by G-force237
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i didnt know VW beetles lasted that long. from what i have heard (my father, maybe not a reliable source??), they did not have the best reliability, and they were very awkward to perform maintenance on. or maybee his was just a POS. :P


BTW. VW golf’s are sweet! do you guys get the same ones as we do in the U.S.?? show pics!  :D


my advice is, what ever kind of car you get, get it in stick. it is a little hard to learn on, but it is a blast to drive once you master it.   :)


VW Beetle is a POS lol, but i love it.


http://www.matey-matey.com/gallery_light-blue_mk2.jpg UMM Golf MK.II (ok abit chav-ish but i love them)


http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~havarha/mv2003/pr...ages/mk1_rc.jpg MK.1


http://img15.exs.cx/img15/327/front8zg.jpg MK.II again *drools*

Edited by kronic
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VW Beetle is a POS lol, but i love it.


http://www.matey-matey.com/gallery_light-blue_mk2.jpg UMM Golf MK.II (ok abit chav-ish but i love them)


http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~havarha/mv2003/pr...ages/mk1_rc.jpg MK.1


http://img15.exs.cx/img15/327/front8zg.jpg MK.II again *drools*




chav...? not a word i am familiar with here in the U.S... is it your equivalent to our word 'ghetto'?? :D


BTW gulfs are very stylish cars, i dont know if we get the earleyer versions here in the U.S. here are the ones we get, and looking at the plates im guessing you guys get them too.




Edit: huge pic, turned it to link

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chav...? not a word i am familiar with here in the U.S... is it your equivalent to our word 'ghetto'?? :D



Chav: it's do define a certain type of person... Someone who wears track suits etc.


Kinda like you're ghetto definition, just white kids who cause trouble and give younger kids a bad name.


(I'm not a chav, however the VW Golf is a chavy car.. meh)


Here's what google says: http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=fire...G=Google+Search


Yea that's the Golf MK.4 they're quite nice. Nicer than the MK.3.


I like the old school look of the 2 & 3 though.

My dad might be getting a MK.5, they're awesome, but more for older people rather than younger drivers.




Yes i am a golf nerd :D


Kinda put off by cars at the mo though, as my cat killed by one last night :(

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Hawaii and UrbanDork, What kind of Cars are those? Their TIGHT!

I've got a 01 Camry. Not much But I'm going to upgrade some small stuff as soon as the warranty Dries out.


If ur refering to my car its a toyota celica

current set up is a 5sfte 2.2l turbo running about 8 psi. For u UK ppl thats umm a lill over .5 bar. Im also running aem UEGO system, APEXi SAFCII, HKS bov, anodized intercooler, MSD BTM system, 445cc injectors, 255lph walbro fuel pump, and some other odds and ends.


The turbo was put on this year and ive been boostin happy ever since. Lots of research and lot of work. (yes i did install everthing myself)


Est. power to the wheels should be at or a lil over 200. considering the car is only 2600lbs TOPS its got an ok power to weight ratio. Will pull on most hondas. With some tuning and engine work im looking at the low/mid 11's on the quarter. (hopfully/when i get more money lol)


I may actually do a 3sge vvti beams engine swap but not sure. that motor runs 210 hp stock, and its all motor.

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  • 4 weeks later...

thanks kronic......I've actually been wheelin' the Jeep since i bought it bone stock 5 years ago...and it gets wheel'd hard. This is about the 6th time it's been lifted....just progressively building it up as funds are available....kinda like airsoft :D

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