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Pictures of you in the field or at a game

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From the post apoc larp game with airsoft called "Blodsband" in Sweden. 3 day event with 700 people. Pretty much like fallout.   Me and my tribe "Stammen", im the one with feathers in the mask.  

I'm no photoshop expert but I can't help but notice a slight problem here...  

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Do i spot a female or a rather dis-propotionate male :P


you would be cooking a romantic meal for twoThree?


no wait there is no innuendo there.... Its ok I fixed it now.


I think if i was a hot girl i would play for the same team, just to nark off all the guys that wanted it, then get off with a girl in front of them, double win just to see how stupid they would look. Not like i have thought this through ;)



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Needs more pics of the girl in pink. Cute girls in airsoft is a rarity. Just sayin'.

Fair one mate, fair one.


*Cough* http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/521996_10151791459562137_1647914750_n.jpg *Cough* http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/284709_377061852366706_70808737_n.jpg *cough*


She is absurdly ultra hot and a wee 19 year old to boot.

Edited by faramon
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I think if i was a hot girl i would play for the same team, just to nark off all the guys that wanted it, then get off with a girl in front of them, double win just to see how stupid they would look. Not like i have thought this through ;)




Wow. I don't know what "nark" means, but it sounds like Fireknife was a cuttlefish in a past life.

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Wow. I don't know what "nark" means, but it sounds like Fireknife was a cuttlefish in a past life.


Nark = annoy, irritate, infuriate. Something like that :P





Just so much win, and i don't even like Wonder Woman :P Going to have to cross my legs at work.



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This is SO off-topic, but I misread your post and missed the part about you being a lady. I assumed you meant that you would play for the same team for the purpose of...uh...tiring out all of the other men, therefore having your pick of the ladies. Like cuttlefish do.


Aaaaaand picture thread.

Last week (on right)


Two weeks ago (on left)


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If you look at it objectively, the only reason for the comments is the fact that aren't really any females in airsoft (comparatively). If there had been all this time, nobody would think it was a big deal.


Frankly, the fact that the male majority would act in an immature fashion is also the least significant reason for the tiny percentage of females participating in the sport. Even women in the military don't like the side of things that involves getting dirty/sweaty/running around with a gun, and they deliberately signed up for it.

Edited by CKinnerley
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I guess it's less common outside of the Northeast? We had 3 girls in our squad at a large event over the summer and I saw most other squads having at least one or two. Still nothing compared to guys but here anyway, it's not so shocking anymore.




I had a photo but Photobucket isn't cooperating right now so it won't display.

Edited by Agent Hunk
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Pics taken at a game today, every pic is off game.


Group pic.




Since I'm the medic in the team, I wanted to do a quick medical situation where I had to take care of a wounded teammate, taken off game.



Using a CAT (combat application tourniquet).



And now the field dressing in applicated



Carrying the patient away


And thats that small medical moment I wanted to get some pics on.


Here are some posing pics.



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