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Pictures of you in the field or at a game

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From the post apoc larp game with airsoft called "Blodsband" in Sweden. 3 day event with 700 people. Pretty much like fallout.   Me and my tribe "Stammen", im the one with feathers in the mask.  

I'm no photoshop expert but I can't help but notice a slight problem here...  

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How is that cross leg draw working for you? I think that's what i see looks interesting


I find it works really well (for me) - but what you can't see is that I have another pistol on my right leg, also cross draw. I'm ambidextrous, and I just find it far more comfortable to do a cross draw as opposed to a 'normal' draw. It also means that in zombie games I can ditch the carbine and go guns akimbo :lol:

I have a Cybergun (KSC?) P226 X-5 on my left leg and on my right leg I either have a KJ P226 (in photo), or KJ P229.

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me and my guys last weekend in france, this picture is of the quarry, smallll piece of the total terrain.

terrain includes : 2 airstrips, largeee forrest, gras fields, grain fields, and a old french special forces village.

it is HUGE!


multicam/aor1 mix attempt to sf'ish look :)

Edited by lucky_str!ke^
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me and my guys last weekend in france, this picture is of the quarry, smallll piece of the total terrain.

terrain includes : 2 airstrips, largeee forrest, gras fields, grain fields, and a old french special forces village.

it is HUGE!


multicam/aor1 mix attempt to sf'ish look :)



Drulling!!!! Great terrain to play... i love "desert" terrains to play.

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Damn.. how do you even find the enemy?


Exactly - sounds awesome. ;)


Biggest problem I have with airsoft ops is the total lack of stealth, tactics, and surprise that are possible at most fields. I have a lot more fun with the hours of anticipation + recon + decision to attack + action than the typical "Well, I see them over there, they see us, let's go shoot each other."

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I have a lot more fun with the hours of anticipation + recon + decision to attack + action


Yeah.. see every exercise I've ever 'deployed' on always ends up consisting almost entirely those first three, very little (if any) of that last part, which is pretty *suitcase* when you're a remf like me who prefers sleeping his own bed with central heating/hot running water etc to standing out in the cold and wet for hours. So I don't mind that particular 'facet' of most skirmish sites myself.


Each to their own.

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myself and a friend with our fancypants support weapons. me on the right.




At longmoor a few weeks ago, about to bodge some house clearance. me in the jeans




same place, doing some sneaking




a dramatic fire-fight scene in which i duck for cover and hide in a most heroic fashion.



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Yeah.. see every exercise I've ever 'deployed' on always ends up consisting almost entirely those first three, very little (if any) of that last part, which is pretty *suitcase* when you're a remf like me who prefers sleeping his own bed with central heating/hot running water etc to standing out in the cold and wet for hours. So I don't mind that particular 'facet' of most skirmish sites myself.


Each to their own.


True. But if I just want to get some trigger time in (and sometimes I do), I know plenty of places to go for that on any given Saturday. Real milsim with some thought put into it... that's a lot rarer and more precious.

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Our enemy was made up out of taliban forces we had to clear a route of ied's and capture a fob near the airfield and village

There is always the treath of ambush roadside ied. Offcourse everything supervised by professionals.


It took us about 6 hours to capture the hanger and the airfield, it was not only fighting but sweeping for ied's using "locals" to get ied locations and taliban locations. Once we gor hold of the airfield This was the first time we were able to get resupplied

During the whole weekend i made about 5 kills

4 during a raid on the village to snatch a hvt


It was the most interesting game we have ever played..

I will try to upload some more pictures

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terrain impression basicly what you see is where you play (the village in the pictures is real and off limits offcourse)



overvieuw of the quarry (mind you this is the small quarry a few km further there is a bigger one, not open for play at the moment because it was active during the weekend.

big quarry also has a big ground water lake


supply drop


preparing to blow up enemy soft top after taking out taliban driver and crew and gaining as much intel as possible


extracting downed helicopter crew member. (did I say extract? :) :) )


bravo sierra and one of the wmiks


HVT observation




small selection out of few 100 pictures hope you guys/girls like it :)


we sure did :)


Ill try to find good picture showing IEDS and airfield.

might be some people are persec in pictures, during this game there were alot of sf, former sf and instructors present.

Edited by lucky_str!ke^
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