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GMSOS airsoft new field in Vermont USA

steel tiger

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My name is Derek Chace and I am the Operations Director of GMSOG - a brand new - 130 acre airsoft field in the Green Mountain State. We are the only airsoft field in Vermont and our aim is to provide training, games and re-enactment games for players in New England. We offer classic army rental AEG's, free UHF radios, one site catering a dedicated and experienced staff and Land Rover recce usage. Email me tiger@gmsog.com if you have any questions. Please visit our website at www.gmsog.com.




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Thanks for the support guys. It is not related to GMR but I know them and have been playing airsoft since before GMR was even formed. I really think our field will offer players what they are looking for in airsoft. With 10+ years playing and running events I got tired of not having games run as well as the could be and not seeing every one have fun. So this is my attempt to make sure everyone has funa nd gets there money worth for every day of airsoft they play

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Thanks for the support guys. It is not related to GMR but I know them and have been playing airsoft since before GMR was even formed. I really think our field will offer players what they are looking for in airsoft. With 10+ years playing and running events I got tired of not having games run as well as the could be and not seeing every one have fun. So this is my attempt to make sure everyone has funa nd gets there money worth for every day of airsoft they play

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We have a couple of ideas but here are the big ones:-


- Historical Vietnam games,

- More scripted games being run by role players and staff so players have more fun.

- We also are trying to get people to wear different camo on each team. I think this makes games more enjoyable as people don't have to worry about looking for armbands. To support this we bought loads of DPM, and DPM desert tops for players that don't have the proper camo to play on the side they would like. Our rule is the color of your shirt refers to your team. We also have a great chart on our website so people can see were each type of camo is placed TAN or GREEN.

- We are also offer free UHF radios for teams to use. We bought 2 PRC-77 for each team leader and then 8 other UHF radios to issue out to the squads. We thought these radios would add to the realism and enjoyment as good comms are a great asset in airsoft.

- There are also home cooked meals!

- Props / Vehicles - we bought a 1975 Land Rover and air-sharp M2 .50cal to use in the games.

These are just some of the ideas we have implemented and we are always thinking of more.

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  • 2 months later...
We have a couple of ideas but here are the big ones:-


- Historical Vietnam games,

- More scripted games being run by role players and staff so players have more fun.

- We also are trying to get people to wear different camo on each team. I think this makes games more enjoyable as people don't have to worry about looking for armbands. To support this we bought loads of DPM, and DPM desert tops for players that don't have the proper camo to play on the side they would like. Our rule is the color of your shirt refers to your team. We also have a great chart on our website so people can see were each type of camo is placed TAN or GREEN.

- We are also offer free UHF radios for teams to use. We bought 2 PRC-77 for each team leader and then 8 other UHF radios to issue out to the squads. We thought these radios would add to the realism and enjoyment as good comms are a great asset in airsoft.

- There are also home cooked meals!

- Props / Vehicles - we bought a 1975 Land Rover and air-sharp M2 .50cal to use in the games.

These are just some of the ideas we have implemented and we are always thinking of more.

I like the idea of the different coloured camo but what if you have a ghillie suit, or are those even allowed?

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