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Well I ordered mine strait from KSC them selves, so it was sent the day it was released. However other Japanese shops have started selling it now. As for where to order it from overseas.. I don't know, I guess you'll have to wait until wgc, wolf or UN company have them in stock. shouldn't take too long I'd imagine.

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I just did it to do it. Supposedly, you get better gas consumption out of the Hardkick system than you do the Non-Hardkick, so I'm noticing that the Non-Hardkick system is shooting harder (for me, at least). I just figured, "Well, I have 4 Non-Hardkick TMPs, why don't I just switch over the guts into the MP9 because I'm super bored today?"

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Thx for the review.


I'd like to know some things from you and other mp9 owners before buying:


1- Green gas. Will it last on a regular green gas diet? Or will it start breaking little parts after like an year of use ?


2- TMP owenrs. It's 8 years tmp came out roughly. Can you tell me if it was a reliable gun or not using green gas? Shall I buy "simpler" m11s ?


3- To all the viewers: do you think this is the definitive gas short smg, or shall we wait kwa ns2 mp7 (will it come out like in july?) . Or is this ns2 just bringing more breakable parts inside our gbbs with slightly harder recoil? ?


Let me know guys!


Take care and again thx for the thread!

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Skirmish tested today

I love it.

It was a woodland game but fairly dense so getting closer wasn't too hard.

The range of the thing was the same as an Mp7. with green gas im sure it would be more.


So so so much fun to use!


No mechanical probs as yet, everything works as it should.






Belva; can't answer the first two q's. but as to the third, well this thing seems pretty reliable to me.

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I got a few actually, i played a few games going out with just this and a glock18c. good times.


I would love to use green in it but you can't green gas here in Japan. It pushes the guns over the legal limit.


If some of you others with mp9s could answer the green gas question that would be great; there's a lot of people who want to know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought mine last week with 4 mags.


So far on green gas the bolt locks back every time. The ROF is amazing, I'd say its even higher than my KWA M11. The funny thing is, my M11 never worked for more than 3 mags in a row before having a jam. I have YET to have a jam or misfeed 9 mags into the break in.


I really need to find a tightbore for this! I'm moving to Japan in November, I'm just worried I'll be over the legal limit there if I get one and use duster gas =\


I wish there was a way I could dial down the joules so I can use green gas for the ROF and recoil!

Edited by wraithxt1
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