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I think that would be a fair assessment.


I used my MP9 for some woodland skirmishing and it did pretty well, with accuracy at least on par with a TM AEG stock. Zero cooldown even when emptying an entire magazine on auto in one burst. Very hard kick, a nice loud CLACK from the bolt on each cycle...it's just a fun little gun to shoot.


I'll be using it a gain this weekend in Chiba Japan, so I'll let everyone know how it fairs in colder weather with propane. I wonder if it can handle red gas when the temp is in the 40s...

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Argh, WTH, just when I have the money to get the damn thing, it is sold out everywhere. Anyone know where it is in stock? I tried Ehobby, WGC, RWAS, etc. I don't care if it is overseas or not, as long as it will come with trades intact.


Thanks guys!


Is it at all possible to get it from KSC direct?

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Argh, WTH, just when I have the money to get the damn thing, it is sold out everywhere. Anyone know where it is in stock? I tried Ehobby, WGC, RWAS, etc. I don't care if it is overseas or not, as long as it will come with trades intact.


Thanks guys!


Is it at all possible to get it from KSC direct?


Why dont you wait for KWA's? When KWA's are made that means KSC is Also Producing them soon

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I hear a lot of talking and not a lot of evidence for a KWA with System 7. Last I hear the MP9 was another limited run just like the TMP before it. If it's sold out odds are you'll have to wait a few years until another batch is made.


Straight from the horses' mouth.



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The advantages of the NS2/System 7 over the Hardkick is:


- Higher FPS

- Better gas efficiency

- And the possibility that accuracy can be improved because the requirement to hold the BB by the Hop rub sleeve is no longer there, meaning we end-users can modify the hop rubber to make the Hop more consistent.


The disadvantages of the NS2/System 7

- Less kick


Given that system 7 is really just recycling the old Negative pressure system from the Glock and the old SPP/TMPs it might just be using the old molds from the Non-hard kick models.


Anyone tried to fit a Non-hardkick bolt from a TMP/SPP onto the MP9?

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Pretty sure someone did try that. I'll be using this for CQB, and out FA legal limit is 250 w/ .2s, so FPS is not really a biggie for me. In addition to CQB, I'll be using it as a DMR/Sniper backup, in which case it'd really be a SHTF close range type deal is someone got inside the 80-100ft MED, so the only ting that I'd prefer with the NS2/SYS 7 is the added cool-down combatency for long bursts, etc, but I doubt I'll be spraying and praying to much anyway :P


I might just go ahead and get the hardkick model, but then the magpul FPJ does look soooooooooo awesome, and I cold switch my primary over to a glock and have magazine sharedness between the two.

Edited by Vercingetorix
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The advantages of the NS2/System 7 over the Hardkick is:


- Higher FPS

- Better gas efficiency

- And the possibility that accuracy can be improved because the requirement to hold the BB by the Hop rub sleeve is no longer there, meaning we end-users can modify the hop rubber to make the Hop more consistent.


- I live in Japan, the current MP9 shoots just under 1j, so higher FPS would mean I wouldnt be able to use it. Might be more of a benefit in the US for woodland skirmishing

- Why would I need more efficiency when I can empty the entire mag on auto in cold weather with no cooldown? I suppose if it's that much better it would make the MP9 an even better all year weapons.

- It's already accurate out to its maximum range, I had no issues whatsoever hitting man sized targets, ON SEMI. On auto there is some spread due to the recoil.


The disadvantages of the NS2/System 7

- Less kick


The kick and loud report are why I bought the MP9 over the Mp7, it's just so much FUN to shoot! I'm not sure I would want to use something that didnt rattle around as much as my MP9 does.


I'm most interested in if they are going to correct the bolt stop issues. After a few hundred rounds pretty much every TMP/MP9 bolt stop will cease to function due only to the poor design that allows the notch on the bolt to round off.


EDIT: If magpull really is releasing a model based on their folding rifle/glock, you'd better believe I'll be selling my MP9 in a HEARTBEAT.

Edited by wraithxt1
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I understand 3vi1-D4n, I was just listing my thoughts on the new MP9 as someone who owns the older version.


So far I dont think my stock is flimsy at all, but it does have a very slight bit of wiggle in it that I cant seem to get rid of. It's nothing devastating to me, but it is a bit annoying.


As I said before, if they fix the bolt stop issue I'll be VERY tempted to buy one just for that.

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I'm expecting that too, Shinden. However, knowing what KWA does to lower the power, more than likely, it's just the rocket valve is going to get the plug style one that comes with the KSC/KWA US version MP7. And if that's all it is, then I have a spare Firefly rocket valve for KSC Glock sitting in my parts drawer. :)

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I'm expecting that too, Shinden. However, knowing what KWA does to lower the power, more than likely, it's just the rocket valve is going to get the plug style one that comes with the KSC/KWA US version MP7. And if that's all it is, then I have a spare Firefly rocket valve for KSC Glock sitting in my parts drawer. :)


You and Ryan were always TMP prepared you know. I was always trying to get into the TMP wagon, but the excessive maintenance put me off on buying one. I will have to still buy the KWA Taiwan version because of Trademarks and the 400FPS power. Hoping for more things from KWA later.


Its ironic that Allizard said in his video they have to lower the power for US, however you do have guns like the KWA KM4/KG36 series shooting at 400FPS. It isn't any different if the gun was made into smaller compact weapon or a longer weapon. In CQB, most players will prefer to play with 350+FPS guns.

Edited by Shinden
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