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any news on a m82? I read from several sites that JG Snow Wolf might be releasing one as well.. but the sites seemed bogus...


Jing Gong and Snow Wolf are 2 different companies and while they are at it, Jing Gong is shut down not doing anything at the moment :D STILL :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
who cares

its a cheap barrett

nuff said


After owning a VFC V.2 M82a1 and other 8mm pistols, I am glad it's is not in 8mm. The 8mm sound like an all around better BB on paper, but in reality, it sucks. It is a bit of a disappointment to see a rifle so large such as a Barrett firing a tiny 6mm BB, but it keeps them somehow relatively still sorta usable.

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on the 8mm/pistol thing: allow me to say: dude it's airsoft ;) we all shoot with tiny balls ;) (notice teh pun)


anyways: the lower receiver is removable, the butt isn't .


internally-wise it's your standard acm L96, so practically everything for the APS/2 system fits.


the things i'm going to try to instal on my m99 is the gunnerairsoft AEG barrel conversion kit, aeg inner barrel, better trigger unit (the standard one has a trigger pull made for the Hulk) & possibly the taiwangun upgrade kit (with another spring to stay on the low side of 500fps).


I also noticed my upper rail is crooked as hell, so i'll have to fix that too :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have one of these big boys, it's full metal and pure nasty. Take down is a bit iffy because to put it together you might need to get agresively persuasive. It's not the most accurate riffle out there, it's uber heavy and a little long. But hey it's a barret and so I love it.


I Havn't yet summed up the plums to skirmish with it, but i will do.


Assuming my arms are still attatched after lugging this great lump about I will report on it's field performance soon.

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  • 2 months later...
on the 8mm/pistol thing: allow me to say: dude it's airsoft ;) we all shoot with tiny balls ;) (notice teh pun)


anyways: the lower receiver is removable, the butt isn't .


internally-wise it's your standard acm L96, so practically everything for the APS/2 system fits.


the things i'm going to try to instal on my m99 is the gunnerairsoft AEG barrel conversion kit, aeg inner barrel, better trigger unit (the standard one has a trigger pull made for the Hulk) & possibly the taiwangun upgrade kit (with another spring to stay on the low side of 500fps).


I also noticed my upper rail is crooked as hell, so i'll have to fix that too :(


I've searched here and other web sites, I still can't find a positive yes or no. Dose the Snow Wolf use L96 mags? One post on a sit said it didn't use ASP-2 mags but they look the same on most of the on-line stores. Looks don't mean they are the same dimentions. Also I've seen a video on youtube of the M4 style trigger group, looks proprietary. Dose it mate up to the standard ASP-2 trigger group inside the gun? Other wise I can't see how the ASP zero trigger would work. I ordered one with the 50mm scope from Evike yesterday and it comes in on 11/29. I'm really excited, I own and heavily modified a VSR 10 this past year, so I like to mod my own stuff and have the tooling and resources to do so. My VSR is powerful (550-565FPS) but most important it's accurate. I've contacted EDGI and Polar star about having a custom 6.01 tight bore made as well as some other parts for an ASP-2 system. I realize I'll have a better scope of things when I get the gun, no pun intended. Just would like some info if you or anyone knows it. Oh, and I was competitive power lifter for years and still like throwing around iron. That and I'm a member of the US Army, Airsoft+weight training x spring sniper rifle = Win to me. ;)



PS. Any links to kits or good parts finds would be a huge help. I'll post back when I get it and start my mod's.

Edited by Special K
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Magazine: It looks like an AP2 magazine, which I am unsure if its compatible with a L96 mag.


Trigger: The trigger box is an APS2 type but "metal", the only sear thats decent steel is the main piston release sear, but the "trigger" is not a conventional trigger. The "trigger" has been replaced by a circular piece thats pivoted where the trigger normally pivots. The AR trigger interfaces with a plastic sliding wedge that pushes the circular piece Upwards that releases the piston.


I dunno if it is possible to install a Zero trigger into it. Be sure to show us your attempts here :)


Upgrades I upgraded mine with an Guarder M170 APS2 spring (460fps on a 0.43g), CA APS2 steel piston and Stainless Steel 9mm spring guide, I would not recommend more. On a Guarder M190 the piston would not hold back 2/3 of the time, and it gave friction burns to my shoulder when I cocked it.


Make sure you grease the trigger mech and the sliding wedge heaps (marine grade grease + WD40), else the trigger pressure is nightmarish on the M170.


Accuracy is very very good even OOTB (I haven't shot it at 50-55m so I can't say, the only airsoft rifle that could hit a 4"X4" target at 55m 75% of the time was the RS SVD and this definately shoots better than that) the hop up will take 0.43g BBs nicely. Its probably the only airsoft rifle that you could shoot bipoded without upsetting its zero. Be sure to make sure though that the Scope horizontal alignment is with the horizon/hop up else the BBs will curve to one side.


Safety: The selector safety is a mock safety. The only safety is behind the bolt.

Edited by 3vi1-D4n
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on the 8mm/pistol thing: allow me to say: dude it's airsoft ;) we all shoot with tiny balls ;) (notice teh pun)


anyways: the lower receiver is removable, the butt isn't .


internally-wise it's your standard acm L96, so practically everything for the APS/2 system fits.


the things i'm going to try to instal on my m99 is the gunnerairsoft AEG barrel conversion kit, aeg inner barrel, better trigger unit (the standard one has a trigger pull made for the Hulk) & possibly the taiwangun upgrade kit (with another spring to stay on the low side of 500fps).


I also noticed my upper rail is crooked as hell, so i'll have to fix that too :(




I just odered one from Evike and it's here in two weeks. I've got a few questions if you don't mind. I looked through this and other threads and read this gun is what you and others have said ore APS2/Mk 96 internals/ACM L96 internals. What is the difference in these internals or I would ask what parts cross over the different variants and which do not?The reason I ask is, I've seen on uncompany they have the Laylax piston sear that fits all the above, but the Laylax trigger sear will not fit work in the Type 96. Also EDGI offers a tight bore inner barrel for the Mk96 / Warrior and the Maruzen type 96 leading me to believe there must be more than a few differences in the this similar but not the same system I've built one hell of a VSR 10 and I'm just starting to learn about which is which and what is what on the APS2, Mk96 / Warrior, Maruzen Type 96 systems. Another thing I read is that VSR 10 springs work in APS2 style guns, Any truth to that? Any light you could shed on these questions and in general would be great. Especially which inner barrel type would be compatible from EDGI


I've been looking for info before posting, but I'm still a little confused as to the differances.

Edited by Special K
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VSR springs are shorter than APS springs, but diameters are the same. APS2/96 can take 7mm springs (requiring a 7mm spring guide), and a 9mm spring(which will require a 9mm spring guide).


The Laylax trigger sear should work, though this is just by examination of the shape of the current piston sear. But if you read my post you would've seen that it already has a steel piston sear.


As for barrel, the inner barrel length measures to 595mm which is much longer than any available tightbore barrel out there. Then again also, the M99 comes with a default 6.04mm barrel so unless you want to hit a flea on someones nose hair, then you would to custom make the barrel. If you found a source of 6.01mm custom tightbores do let us know.



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VSR springs are shorter than APS springs, but diameters are the same. APS2/96 can take 7mm springs (requiring a 7mm spring guide), and a 9mm spring(which will require a 9mm spring guide).


The Laylax trigger sear should work, though this is just by examination of the shape of the current piston sear. But if you read my post you would've seen that it already has a steel piston sear.


As for barrel, the inner barrel length measures to 595mm which is much longer than any available tightbore barrel out there. Then again also, the M99 comes with a default 6.04mm barrel so unless you want to hit a flea on someones nose hair, then you would to custom make the barrel. If you found a source of 6.01mm custom tightbores do let us know.


LOL ;) I'm that guy; EDGI has custom cut what I want if I call and ask.

Which barrel is used in the M99? The Mk 96/ Warrior or the Maruzen type 96? EDGI has the same length for both but lists them as different. This is again where I need your know how.

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