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WE Gas Blow Back M4A1 Carbine

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WETTI if you read this post, i am not attacking you I think you have done a stand up job on here listening to feedback and trying where possible to help out. All i am saying is that that is what a good retailer/manufacturer should be doing anyway. i hope you continue to do so and show the other companies out there that good customer service can go a long way.

If my bank or energy company provided me with excellent customer service I would say thanks. Just because they should be providing that sort of customer service we all know in this day and age most don't!! Where's the harm in showing a little appreciation anyway?!


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OK, I have some questions and concerns that I don't believe have previously been answered or addressed and I really think they should be. What I'm referring to is the actual legality of importing the WETTI M4 variants into the United States. So far all that has been said on the subject can be brushed off as speculation and rumors. Reading the statements made by WETTI has shed more light on the situation but I am interested in what the actual facts of this situation are currently.


I simply refuse to put my clients in a possible collision course with the laws by ruthlessly distributing products that are being scrutinized by the authorities.


Has the WETTI AWSS M4 at this point been deemed to be a real firearm or otherwise illegal by US customs?


I did not have any information for you at the time, while I was busy researching into the issue myself.


What information do you currently have on this matter that you can share with all of us?


THAT could very well put us (WE & WETTI) in the way of the laws, and THAT I cannot accept, period.


It's good that you are looking out for your best interests as that is what you should be doing. I too am trying to do this, but without having any information to go on I don't really see how I can make the best decisions in this matter.


Would I simply just take a customer's order & ship him products that I KNOW might get him in trouble with the laws of HIS land? NO, I simply couldn't bring myself to do that.


Thats great. I'm glad that you are not personally importing items into a country that may or may not have been deemed said items illegal, but that hasn't stopped people from obtaining these same items elsewhere.


The best thing to be done at this time would be for WETTI to release an official statement regarding this matter to inform the customers as best as possible.


WETTI please understand I am not in any way trying to hurt your business or reputation. I am only trying to look out for myself and the sport of airsoft in my part of the world. I just do not want to be liable for illegally possessing or importing anything. Some if not all of you may think I am overreacting or being paranoid but until the facts are known can't be sure otherwise. A criminal record with a felony charge is not something I am looking forward to.






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If my bank or energy company provided me with excellent customer service I would say thanks. Just because they should be providing that sort of customer service we all know in this day and age most don't!! Where's the harm in showing a little appreciation anyway?!


Read what you have quoted again as I do believe I said I think WETTI has done a stand up job and that others could learn a lot from his example. That is showing appreciation.


anyway we are digressing from the topic a tad! :D

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I think you are being harsh there! just because it cost less doesn't mean that consumers should be grateful they "only" had to spend an additional $150 to get the damn thing working well. it SHOULD work immediately and every time.


if you bought a cheap car you would still expect it to work like a car just without all the bells and whistles of a more expensive motor! you wouldn't think "oh hang on the engine doesn't work - i'll just buy another one"


Also can everyone stop saying WETTI is the best thing since sliced bread? admittedly he has been very good and it highlights the absolutely ###### customer service of other airsoft manufacturers but it is no more or less than a manufacturer should do! we have come to accept rubbish service as the norm any other sector would not tolerate the ###### we put up with from the manufacturers!


WETTI if you read this post, i am not attacking you I think you have done a stand up job on here listening to feedback and trying where possible to help out. All i am saying is that that is what a good retailer/manufacturer should be doing anyway. i hope you continue to do so and show the other companies out there that good customer service can go a long way.


I couldn't agree with you more & I ask for nothing in return. I'm here as a service which I feel is necessary for any industry, no just airsoft. But now I'm starting to realize how difficult it can be and I can see the reason why no one else is doing it. Don't get me wrong though...I'll still be here long after I'm beaten into pulp by you guys. As they say: It's a dirty job & someone has to do it; why not me?


Cheers always,


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Everyone has their issues with each different type of airsoft gun. The fact that WETTI is here to at least read and understand some of the issues and help out with questions is HUGE.


Whether it SHOULD be done by everyone else or not is a moot point because WETTI IS THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES IT!


Keep up the good work WETTI, I'll be picking up an MP5 from you when the time comes. Might I suggest working on a GBB P90 =P

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OK, I have some questions and concerns that I don't believe have previously been answered or addressed and I really think they should be. What I'm referring to is the actual legality of importing the WETTI M4 variants into the United States. So far all that has been said on the subject can be brushed off as speculation and rumors. Reading the statements made by WETTI has shed more light on the situation but I am interested in what the actual facts of this situation are currently.




Has the WETTI AWSS M4 at this point been deemed to be a real firearm or otherwise illegal by US customs?




What information do you currently have on this matter that you can share with all of us?




It's good that you are looking out for your best interests as that is what you should be doing. I too am trying to do this, but without having any information to go on I don't really see how I can make the best decisions in this matter.




Thats great. I'm glad that you are not personally importing items into a country that may or may not have been deemed said items illegal, but that hasn't stopped people from obtaining these same items elsewhere.


The best thing to be done at this time would be for WETTI to release an official statement regarding this matter to inform the customers as best as possible.


WETTI please understand I am not in any way trying to hurt your business or reputation. I am only trying to look out for myself and the sport of airsoft in my part of the world. I just do not want to be liable for illegally possessing or importing anything. Some if not all of you may think I am overreacting or being paranoid but until the facts are known can't be sure otherwise. A criminal record with a felony charge is not something I am looking forward to.






There's no statement that I can give at this time simply because of the 'lack of facts' from the official agencies!! My action is precautionary only at this time. Once I learn more & at the liberty to discuss it further in public, I will do so indeed. How I wish it's a simple 'YES' or 'NO' answer....


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There's no statement that I can give at this time simply because of the 'lack of facts' from the official agencies!! My action is precautionary only at this time. Once I learn more & at the liberty to discuss it further in public, I will do so indeed. How I wish it's a simple 'YES' or 'NO' answer....





Well WETTI, thanks for the reply.


It's too bad you're in the dark on this as well. I look forward to any information you can share with us in the future.




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Has anyone that has ordered from Airsoft123 had any issues with the tracking number they provide? No matter what combination I use I can't get a valid hit when trying tro look it up through the HK post office site. (I believe someone mentioned having a similar issue)

Edited by vertex
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Has anyone that has ordered from Airsoft123 had any issues with the tracking number they provide? No matter what combination I use I can't get a valid hit when trying tro look it up through the HK post office site. (I believe someone mentioned having a similar issue)

I have delt with airsoft 123 and they are excellent!! no probs with the tracking number,though it dose not show up straight away

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I talked to Lou over at airsoft123 and he said that the screw missing on the uni-directional valve assembly was a mistake and anyone who got one with out he will make it up to you....email him. Also the new shipment he got all have the locking screw.


Reminds me of "the good old days" when steel nozzles were shipped with an o-ring missing.... <_<


History repeats itself, even over here.

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To the guys having problems with semi-auto, here's how it works on the WE and is surprisingly the same with WA/G&P/AGM which is to say the same with real AR15s. Some guys over the AGM thread kept on babbling about their hammer and sears not working like the real thing and so shouldn't be reviewed by the ATF <_< . My drawings aren't exact, but the principle is.


1 Hammer at ready engaged on trigger sear, selector on "semi"



2 Trigger is pulled and hammer falls



3 Hammer pushed down all the way and engages with part #54 with trigger still depressed



4 Trigger is let go, part #54 releases hammer, trigger sear engages hammer



Having no semi would mean that #54 isn't catching unto the hammer. Either the contact surface of the hammer or part #54 is to blame, you'd have to check for yourself.

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To the guys having problems with semi-auto, here's how it works on the WE and is surprisingly the same with WA/G&P/AGM which is to say the same with real AR15s. Some guys over the AGM thread kept on babbling about their hammer and sears not working like the real thing and so shouldn't be reviewed by the ATF <_< . My drawings aren't exact, but the principle is.


Having no semi would mean that #54 isn't catching unto the hammer. Either the contact surface of the hammer or part #54 is to blame, you'd have to check for yourself.


Thank you very much for taking the time to put this together it has confirmed a few assumptions. Using your diagrams and notes I can't say I have any reason to find fault with the way part #54 is working particularly since the TSC steel parts upgrade. My hammer and sear have a strong bite when they do connect. I wonder if the bolt carrier is failing to push the hammer far enough back/down to engage #54, my upgraded bearing roller appears to sit slightly lower than the stock one when running under the carrier, this might be lower still with the TSC hammer. Also the strength of the hammer spring might affect this, can anyone explain the correct placement of the hammer spring when assembling the trigger unit?


Still need to obtain some gas to see if the problem still exists for that source.


Once again thanks for your time and assistance.

Edited by Marky [UE]
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Everyone has their issues with each different type of airsoft gun. The fact that WETTI is here to at least read and understand some of the issues and help out with questions is HUGE.


Whether it SHOULD be done by everyone else or not is a moot point because WETTI IS THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES IT!


Keep up the good work WETTI, I'll be picking up an MP5 from you when the time comes. Might I suggest working on a GBB P90 =P

OMG that would be my 3rd dream come true. 1 m4 2 scar and 3 ...

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Thank you very much for taking the time to put this together it has confirmed a few assumptions. Using your diagrams and notes I can't say I have any reason to find fault with the way part #54 is working particularly since the TSC steel parts upgrade. My hammer and sear have a strong bite when they do connect. I wonder if the bolt carrier is failing to push the hammer far enough back/down to engage #54, my upgraded bearing roller appears to sit slightly lower than the stock one when running under the carrier, this might be lower still with the TSC hammer. Also the strength of the hammer spring might affect this, can anyone explain the correct placement of the hammer spring when assembling the trigger unit?


Still need to obtain some gas to see if the problem still exists for that source.


Once again thanks for your time and assistance.

you know whats weird a while back i put in the same bearings, lat piston head, nozzle, valve and stabalizer. and the gun wouldnt shoot when you pulled the trigger you had to slightly pull the charging handle back for it to fire. i still havnt got the gun to shoot bcuz the charging handle broke soon after. Tonite i just put in a steel charging handle, the c02 kit and the new barrel hopup set. didn't have time to shoot it, i will tomorrow.


if it doesn't shoot, i bet it is the bearings, i didn't even think of the bearings causing the problems.

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Everyone has their issues with each different type of airsoft gun. The fact that WETTI is here to at least read and understand some of the issues and help out with questions is HUGE.




When you buy a drilling machine at your local hardware store, discover some issues, get back to the hardware store you EXPECT the people there to repair it or replace it/give you advise, right?


The only HUGE thing here is the general lack of customer service in the airsoft world.

What WETTI is doing here is the first step forward but nothing worth considerable "huge" by any means.



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When you buy a drilling machine at your local hardware store, discover some issues, get back to the hardware store you EXPECT the people there to repair it or replace it/give you advise, right?

This is the point I was trying to make in a previous post!


You take it back to where you bought it from i.e. the hardware store and expect them to sort it. You DO NOT take it back to the manafacturer and ask them to sort it - your transaction was with the shop, not the manafacturer.


Do you expect Black and Decker to get involved when you are trying to get a refund from the hardware store for your drill? NO! If you went to the drill manafacturer with a problem they would tell you to go to the shop you bought it from to get it sorted - pretty standard stuff. So why are people expecting any more from the manafacturer of the WE rifles???


So how many people here have bought a rifle directly from WETTI? Unless you're a retailer - NONE!! So if you have a problem your first place to address any issues is WITH THE SHOP YOU BOUGHT IT FROM!! Any help from WETTI here is quite frankly a bonus in my view.

Edited by TrooperX
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