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WE Gas Blow Back M4A1 Carbine

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Are you using the new barrel + hop rubber?


Usually the swerve is a sign of overhop.


yea. new barrel and hop.


That or barrel is too wet or dirty. Try cleaning your barrel then try again


i don't think so because that was the first time i fired it after putting the new chromed barrel in.

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I have a problem with 2 out of my 5 mags where the plastic bb follower gets stuck about the 3rd of the way down in the channel. I took one apart and the plastic follower moves in the channel ok without the spring but fitting the spring and its get stuck on the way down. Need to have a closer look at this but I'm wondering if I need to dremel out some of the channel to allow the follower to move easier. BTW - refitting the spring is a *badgeress*!!!

Anyone else having this problem? I can't even force them down any further with a screwdriver as they just get stuck. I can't see exactly whats causing it - any ideas?

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Why can't anyone make anything practical for the WE series?


AEG hop ups??


Cheaper metal bodies??

Working adjustable power??

Better mags?? I know Pmags are coming. Hope they are good.


Well adjustable power is already available for some time now for the WE, it's made by TS Customs.

As for cheaper bodies, i saw this one http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airs...il?prodID=27382 while browsing their catalog.

Does this mean that complete bodies or at least the upper receiver for the PTW is compatible with the WE ?

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Well adjustable power is already available for some time now for the WE, it's made by TS Customs.

As for cheaper bodies, i saw this one http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airs...il?prodID=27382 while browsing their catalog.

Does this mean that complete bodies or at least the upper receiver for the PTW is compatible with the WE ?


The MUR upper has a wiggle play i bought one and tried it on my WE darn it has too much play it does'nt fit exactly on the lower body i had to order that RA TECH magic pin now it works good

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Something really wierd and drastic happened to my gun.


I recently just bought the new 6.02 chromed barrel with latest black hopup from AB.


I fired that for a couple mags and then my 500fps brass nozzle snapped.


So i just switched with my original lower fps nozzle.


And now for some reason, like 90% of my shots only shoot like 3 yards and then drop (really weak)


The gun appears to cycle well, and kicks well too still. I even used a new canistor of propane.



Any ideas?




My gun double feeds sometimes. And then a lot of times, the shots are just low powered. I tried both barrels.


Do you think when the nozzel snapped it damaged the rubber part 117 and is making this problem.

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The MUR upper has a wiggle play i bought one and tried it on my WE darn it has too much play it does'nt fit exactly on the lower body i had to order that RA TECH magic pin now it works good


My stock Colt upper is really wobbly anyway. I've seen a Dytac MUR upper that comes with i think a Noveske rail. Is that the same??

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And now for some reason, like 90% of my shots only shoot like 3 yards and then drop (really weak)


The gun appears to cycle well, and kicks well too still. I even used a new canistor of propane.

Is it CO2 nozzle ? When this appeard on mine, i've noticed one of o-rings removed from nozzle.

When You switch inner barrel did You check 117 is in place ? I had similar problem but my nozzle didnt snap, may be because it was steel one. It shattered bb's inside of chamber, and blocked.

Do You use new valve housing or old one ?

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This product is bs. It claims "'Solid Core Technology' - 0% internal bubbles". Yeah right! It's got one huge bubble inside it. I'll post up the photos tomorrow.


Funny they claim it's solid core yet if you read the fine prints on the bag it says something like bubbles may form inside the bb if "ejection" (i think they meant injection) mold cools at a faster rate.


The green bbs also leave a truck load of green substance on the hop and IB. Will post up these photos too.


Green BB = WE 0.36 Sniper Grade

White BB = SGM 0.29



Residue from the green bbs. Hop up was full of it.


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Seems like another great WE product.


Since you're talking about barrels.


Did anyone ever shortened his/her "chrome" barrel?

Well, I did and the edge where I cut it is pretty brassy and only the outside is coated with some chrome-paint....



This is what it looks like. You be the judge.



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Seems like another great WE product.


Since you're talking about barrels.


Did anyone ever shortened his/her "chrome" barrel?

Well, I did and the edge where I cut it is pretty brassy and only the outside is coated with some chrome-paint....


Actually the chrome barrels were stated to be chrome finished. So I guess there you have it, brass that is chrome plated

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Erm... Guys. The paint on the buffer tube is coming off. I can just scratch it off. Is it WE's fault?


Is there any alternatives instead of leaving it? Would the magpul buffer tube fit?


Edit: RURMOURS in Hong Kong said that there are pmags for sell already. But they don't want to tell where. :(

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Is it CO2 nozzle ? When this appeard on mine, i've noticed one of o-rings removed from nozzle.

When You switch inner barrel did You check 117 is in place ? I had similar problem but my nozzle didnt snap, may be because it was steel one. It shattered bb's inside of chamber, and blocked.

Do You use new valve housing or old one ?


ya, i took it out and made sure its in correctly.

I have the original valve and housing that came originally with the v2


where can i purchase part 117

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Erm, you guys know that Chrome plating is usually done onto a brass and then a nickel layer right? The fact that its chrome plated is good enough already as it hardens the brass anyways.


Chrome isn't used straight as an element itself aside from coating, it is usually in an alloy like Chromium Vanadium or Stainless steel (10% chromium).


And paint scratches off like anything we use. Aside from the armoury of the Brunei'an special forces, I don't think I have seen scratchless weapons now have we?


I recently look a look at a WE SCAR with the new black hop, and the hop wasn't responsive at all. However like anything I added a spot of super glue where the hop ball bearing pushes down on the rubber and waited for it to harden and the hop is now fine.


I am actually very impressed with the new WE M16s and the WE SCARs. There are still small issues here and there like the hop, but the amount of effort required to have them reliably work is much less than the earlier V1 V2 M4s. There are a lot of improvements, like new cocking handles, nozzles, and their rubber sleeves are now the right dimensions so they no longer shrink and seize up during rapid fire. We had a new batch of tan mags and none of them leak even after leaving them without gas.


My WE gen 1 M4 still has the old hop up and brass barrel, its still shooting 1cm groups at 10m. Sure right now it has the aftermarket steel hammers and sear and a CO2 kit, aftermarket cocking handle, swiss cheesed bolt, and an AGM recoil spring :) Still shooting and shooting well.

Edited by 3vi1-D4n
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Erm... Guys. The paint on the buffer tube is coming off. I can just scratch it off. Is it WE's fault?

Is there any alternatives instead of leaving it? Would the magpul buffer tube fit?

Yes, for using cheap paint. Mines started to scratch off from day one. If it really bothers you, you could prematurely strip the paint off and make like a Systema PTW. Or just paint it with something more durable like Krylon. Could also be anodized since its aluminum. RS tubes will fit, but I don't see why you'd want to replace the whole thing just because the finish has started to go.

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